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Representation by David Alan Jackson

Date submitted
1 March 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am very concerned the Boom Power Master Plan appears to have been drawn solely for the benefit of the Solar Farm Project, with little regard for the wellbeing of the hamlets and villages which will inevitably be affected by the construction, noise and impact on the countryside from the Solar Panel Farm. The size of the Solar Farm is far in excess of what was envisaged, will dominate several villages and affect the wellbeing and quality of life of many residents including myself. The village residents of Spaldington have already suffered the disruption and noise of the construction of the Wind Turbine Farm on the edge of the village and the village is still suffering from the constant ongoing noise of the Turbines when generating electricity. I am fearful that once again, I will be subjected to noise and disruption of the Solar Farm which is planned to be close to my residential property. The Boom Power Statutory Consultation Brochure claims the company is committed to being a 'Good Neighbour' and minimise the impact on the local Community, which I interpret to having a duty of care for the quality of Human Life - Why then are they insistent on erecting Solar Panels so close to residential properties? Boom Power claim that Buffer Zones and Screening Planting have been integrated into the site layout, to provide separation between the nearest properties and the Solar Panel Farm - It is common knowledge that Screening Trees take years to mature and given that the Solar Panels are stated to be 3.5 metres in height, unless semi-mature trees and hedging is to be used which is higher than the Panels, it will take years before the Screening has any impact on the visibility of the Panels. Furthermore, unless Evergreen Trees are to be used and there is a wide area of Screening, in Winter months the Screening areas, in my view, will have little affect on the impact of these giant Panels. Regardless of the assurances given by Boom Power for proposed traffic mitigation, as was witnessed with the construction of the Wind Turbine Farm, I believe there will still be a serious effect and damage to the country roads around the village, causing disruption to local traffic, damage to Wildlife and Flora, with vehicles having to mount verges to avoid oncoming traffic, in particular, in the wet clay soil in much of the area where the Solar Farm is to be situated. I see a definite increase in the poor health and stress for many residents and myself living within the area of this giant industrial complex. I am at a loss to know as to why the Solar Panels have to be situated so close to villages, when there is ample of farmland available away from residential property, surely the answer is to move the Panels away from residential property and I would ask the Inspector, to ensure that Solar Panels are not erected within at least 500 metres of residential property.