Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by Michael Field

Date submitted
1 March 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Having looked at some of the submissions and transcripts from previous NSIP solar farm examinations, it is clear that the Examining Authorities go to extraordinary lengths in reviewing the environmental impacts of the proposed developments and in ensuring that adequate mitigation measures are in place where possible. The technical aspects of the proposals do not not seem to be subjected to same meticulous analysis - largely, I suspect, due the paucity of relevant expertise of the appointed Authorities. I would encourage the ExA to focus far greater attention on the technical merits of the East Yorkshire proposal. For example: 1) Does it align adequately with the aims outlined in the NPSs? 2) Do the statutory limits stipulated in the draft DCO reflect the technical design as scrutinised at examination? 3) Given the scale of this proposal (compared to the applicant's previous solar projects), is the ExA satisfied that this farm will be both technically and financially viable? It is in both the country's and the applicant's interests that any shortcomings are identified at this early stage. No one benefits if BOOM Developments goes BUST after a couple of years leaving (presumably) the tax payer to clear up thousands of acres of landfill waste.