Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by Elizabeth Jane Shutt

Date submitted
1 March 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This has been agricultural area since the Domesday Book and this project will be taking land which has been used for food production out of use. The project is going to seriously affect the roads which are single tracks which are already in a poor condition due pot holes, poor surface and the vehicles using them are tearing up the grass verges construction traffic will only make this worse. The proposed site of the substation off Rowland Hall Lane will mean that substation will be accessed through a field gate that is positioned so that any vehicle travelling from the A63 up Rowland Hall Lane and crossing the railway crossing will not be able to see a vehicle coming in the opposite direction because the entrance to the field is in a blind spot. This project is going to have an impact on the wild life in the area. Initially the wildlife will frightened away during the construction which is particularly concerning for some rare ground nesting birds who nest in the field [REDACTED]. Although small animals may be able to gain entrance to the land once the construction is complete larger animals such as deer, foxes and badgers will be excluded from their established habitat they will be forced onto the roads with the potential for more road traffic accidents. It will also increase the potential for poachers to shoot the animals because the animals will be unable to seek their current cover. My property is going to be impacted by the noise and disruption caused by of the construction and in the long term the potential noise from the substation and light pollution from any security lights installed on the compounds where the solar panels are to be placed. I am concerned that the level rural crime which is already impacting on this area will increase due to the presence of the solar panels in the proximity to my property. The installation of the solar panels is likely to damage the drainage of land which is already subject to flooding at times. If piles or concrete pads are used to site the solar panels then this will make it extremely difficult to reinstate the land to agricultural use at the end of the project. I run a holiday cottage business from my property and I am concerned that the unsightly appearance of this solar farm is likely impact on visitors coming to or returning to my business.