Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by Ann Marie Jackson

Date submitted
1 March 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am horrified at the size and scale of the East Yorkshire Solar Panel Farm, part of which will be situated around the village of Spaldington and close to the residential property where I live. I suffer from [REDACTED] and have great difficulty sleeping and concentrating. The Spaldington Wind Turbines are situated close to our property and I had endless nights trying to sleep, when all the construction was underway and I now have constant sleepless nights from the swishing noise from the Turbines generating electricity. At times I have to block my ears to get some relief. I fear that this will be even further compounded by the construction of the Solar Panels and the movement of the Panels ongoing. I enjoy seeing the abundance of Wildlife which visit the land around our house, including Deer, Hares, numerous species of Birds and a Badger Set close to where the Panels are to be situated. I fear with the significant disruption in the construction of the Solar Panel Farm, will leave little room for Wildlife in the area. The views of the Countryside around and approaching our property will change forever during my life time and all of this could be avoided, if the Solar Panel Farm was kept away from hamlets such as Spaldington. When I attended a Statutory Consultation given by Boom Power and I raised my concerns, I was told, that Farmers had offered more land than Boom Power needed, therefore, they would have the flexibility to make sure they did not have Solar Panels close to residential property. If this was the case, what has happened to the additional land, as it does not appear to have been used to move Solar Panels away from residential property - has this been used to extend the Solar Panel Farm even further creating more disruption? I do understand the need for energy but surely not at the expense of the health and wellbeing of human beings and management of the countryside.