Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by Terence Bullass

Date submitted
2 March 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have lived in [REDACTED] nearly 5 years and moved here because of my health and being nearer family. in fact I walk around the area every day for health reasons and i dont want to be put in more danger by yet more noisey and large vehicles. In this time i have seen new developments being built in and around Howden, Not one of these has been fitted with solar panels or storage facilities that could have off set the need for a solar farm which will be sited on land near me. Future developments could also be made to fit solar panels and heat source pumps as standard which will also help to reduce the need for a solar farm, Why are the new industrial buildings around Howdon not being made to fit solar panels? The roofs cover a vast area and would certainly reduce the need for large areas of land being used instead, Thankyou