Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by Sharon Smith

Date submitted
4 March 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Main issues and impacts that I consider for this proposed project are: With the size and scale of the development, the many, many homes/properties and the wildlife close to the sites that it will inconvenience, ruin and affect during the development if it is approved but also the longer lasting, detrimental effects afterwards. How this proposed large development will effectively industrialise what are rural areas where Residents chose to live to get away from industry and towns. I strongly believe that all new housing, farm buildings and industrial buildings install solar panels rather than using arable land that should otherwise be used for food production. Having seen the many articles for and against solar farms, particularly the length of time solar panels could be in situ / expected to last for ie at least 40years (assuming they are not damaged by the elements or just break down), not only means losing arable land for food production for years to com, there is to my knowledge, nothing in place for the disposal/recycling of the panels when their end of use comes. Very worrying.