Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by Sara Jackson

Date submitted
5 March 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly object to the proposed solar farm for the following Cumulative Impact/ Quality of Life Noise Safety Flooding Wildlife Roads When we were first presented the plans for the proposed site it was to cover around 3,000 acres this then increased to circa 3,470 acres. We were told the final plans would be shrunk down as Boom had added some ‘meat to the bones’ to allow for some areas to be removed if necessary. We were also told these were the maximum boundaries. I am now informed the site has increased in size again, so we have been misled and it would appear they have no intention or reducing some ‘meat from the bone’ so before we even start there has been a total lack of honesty or even consideration for the communities they are about to destroy. Cumulative Impact- Spaldington is a hamlet, set within surrounding agricultural land however, the size of this solar farm will totally engulf our village and neighbouring villages, we will be surround completely, so effectively we will be living amid an industrial site. As far as the eye can see we will be faced with solar panels. As this proposed solar farm is the largest in the UK how can Boom possibly say they can assess the impact this will have on people’s wellbeing, their health, their mental state of mind, their quality of life. How can they assess the effects of glare? or be certain that we will not suffer from the effects of glare, as wherever we drive to enter or exit our village or walk around our village or look out of our windows, we will be faced with solar panels, glare and noise on a scale no one has ever experienced before ? Noise -My home along with others is already affected badly by the wind turbines, even with new double glazing we can still hear the noise of the turbines indoors. We often cannot sit out in our gardens because if the wind is high in the air, the thud of the turbines drowns out our conversation. We then have the flicker through our windows which we were promised would not occur. We have already had to adjust our lives and make compromises to the life we choose to live in the country because of the turbines and now we will be totally engulfed with solar panels and the additional noise they create. So what exactly will there be for us to enjoy in our lives ? Safety – how can Boom risk assess the safety of residents who will have these panels and sub stations bordering their homes and gardens, only meters from our back doors. How can they have a secure plan in place that could tackle a fire should it happen, how would they contain it stop it spreading, on such a huge scale ? Are we expected to live with this constant worry ? Flooding- as you will see for yourselves currently, even though the land has been cultivated which aids the natural drainage of water through the soil, which then drains out to our waterways, flooding has occurred, the drainage systems are struggling to cope, not just here but all over the UK. The process of installation alone will compact our clay land, even my lawn mower with a roller is enough to compact the surface clay and prevent water seeping through, hence why we all must prick out our drains and lawns every year. So, when installation is finished and the clay has been compacted over circa 4,000 acres of land to such an extent that it has in essence created a watertight lining, which will prevent any natural drainage, how will they deal with the inevitable flooding that will occur over such a vast area. What about the wildlife, they say they will be attracting and creating a habitat for, how can voles escape mass flooding of the land, especially as all the surrounding land will be the same, there will be no where for wildlife to escape too. Wildlife- there has been deer roaming the fields around Spaldington for the 40 plus years I have lived here. Boom have made it clear there is no concession for deer they cannot be permitted into the solar fields, and they must therefore be fenced out so that they disperse elsewhere. Where will they disperse too exactly? as they plan to cover circa 4,000 acres of land, field to field as far as they eye can see, where do they go ? onto the roads, in front of car causing an accident which could cause a death ? we are supposed to be nurturing our wildlife as we are slowly destroying our planet and its inhabitants, yet Boom are about to destroy perfectly good habitat which not only supports us with the production of food it supports the wildlife we need. Road Network -The roads around our villages are crumbling, the impact of the Wind Farm installation resulted in our roads sinking and breaking up, this has simply been patched up with very little improvement. How will the roads which we must use every day withstand all this traffic and the damage it will cause. We already have to take alternative longer routes in and out of the village due to the state of the roads and damage to our vehicles. The roads are not wide enough for large vehicles to pass so our verges become destroyed and driving can become a hazard at times, this will simply be compounded tenfold. I understand the need for clean energy we need to move away from fossil fuel, and had this proposed solar farm been planned in clumps, smaller more individual areas of land, which are situated away from the immediate parameters of our hamlet, away from peoples back gardens and homes, with brown land in between to create breakers for safety and wildlife, space ! They would have my full support. How can they possibly know, or risk assess what impact or dangers lie ahead with a project of such huge scale. I fear the only the only way we will find out is when it’s too late and people’s lives are at risk. Please help us by breaking up this solar farm, take it away from people’s homes and create safe space in between they have the land capacity to do this, as the representative said they’ have kept some meat on the bones’ I cannot face yet another fight to try and retain a level of quality to my life, and to try and keep my home a safe and welcoming place to be, but there is a solution please hep is achieve it. Thank you.