Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by Amy Reid

Date submitted
6 March 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

It would be built on good farming land. It’s very large size. Howden and the wider area have done their bit for power generation in Britain with Europes largest coal fired power station nearby (Drax) and the large quantity of Wind Turbines all of which are eye sores on the natural landscape. Close proximity to historic market town Ruining the look of beautiful landscape. Devalue property values after working very hard for so long to get on the property ladder. The only reason the solar farm is intended to be built north of Howden is to tap into the existing substation for Drax (cheaper) not because the land is poor quality or of low fertility. Construction noise, pollution and wear on already worn roads. Solar farms are an inneficient power generation method. Using up valuable limited space in a country already short of space with an increasing population. Britain does not have a surplus of land. Takes away crops and plants for wildlife, insects and pollinators. Instead of building the solar farm, the land would be better used for the planet nature and the community if used to grow a woodland on the site. Offers no benefits to community. Won’t reduce energy costs as solar is not a cheaper means of producing energy. Green energy such as solar and wind are currently proven to be the most expensive method to produce power. Solar farm may confuse the large number of migrating birds that fly over Howden year round. Britain does not receive a high amount of sunshine compared to many other parts of the world. Farm would make the surrounding area feel boxed in. Feel it would create visual harm especially given the substantial size of this particular farm. If the North Howden housing estate and bypass road is constructed then this would bring Howden even closer to the site of the solar farm. The Solar Panels may not be fully recyclable. I understand the panels and other equipment are being constructed and bought from China so this makes more pollution transporting a large amount of weight a long distance. The purchase of them from China does not support Britains Economy and provide British jobs.