Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by Linda Clarke

Date submitted
7 March 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Objections/ worries and concerns I have: The increased volume of vehicles generated by the construction and maintenance of a solar farm plus the disturbance that will inevitably follow when underground cables need to be laid will cause further disturbances and delays in an area already overwhelmed by increased traffic (eg: construction sites for various projects) Solar farms are neither efficient nor environmentally friendly but it seems that someone is going to make large profits from erecting them without much opposition from uncaring councils. If Government believe that Solar is the way forward then why are they not funding the installation of them in private homes nor legislating that all new build properties should have them without exception? Local authorities should be doing their utmost to protect our farmlands and recognise that these large scale solar farms proposed are visually detrimental to the area and dramatically alter the countryside views into an ugly industrialised vista- it seems that this area of Yorkshire is becoming increasingly and unfairly targeted for such things and as we are currently blighted with Drax power station (another non environmentally conscious concern) Large wind turbines, huge factories and massive housing developments, a solar farm is the very last thing I want. There are better alternatives, for example wave power which doesn't rely on the power of the sun. I could go on but doubt it would make any difference as only profits seem to speak.