Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by Elizabeth Anne Horner

Date submitted
7 March 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I oppose this project. Using good grade farmland, that produces the country's food, for solar panels (that should be put on the hectares of industrial units in the country) is in absolute abysmal idea. Nor will this project be a temporary use of the land with the land turned back to productive farmland, with concrete pilings being used to anchor these huge structures into the land, these piling would be difficult, of not impossible to remove. I am greatly concerned by the huge disruption that will caused curing construction of the farms - the greatly increased traffic on small country lanes, the noise from the drilling of the concrete pilings, the digging of the channels for the underground wires, as well as the actual construction of the fencing & panels. All of this could cause huge unknown disturbances in the drainage of the local land - which could have a direct affect on flooding of our land & property. This is of great concern following all the rain this winter & with wetter winters being projected to continue this is of real concern. Another huge concern is the blatant lie of greater diversity of wildlife in the area - with large security fences being erected which will permanently prevent most wildlife from entering the areas. This may also lead to greater accidents on lanes where fences line both sides of the lane making it impossible for wildlife to escape cars. The countryside in the area will no longer be open for the public of Howden. In a country with increasing obesity & poor mental health, locals need the countryside for health & well-being - not a countryside that reminds us of a prison.