Back to list East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Representation by Penny Redman

Date submitted
7 March 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My whole family for 3 generations has lived in this area of Yorkshire and probably many generaions before. They have been the people who live and work on the land, to provide food for the nation, through all of my lifetime, and now the next generation are starting their journey, working on the land to provide food. The beauty of the area has already been mutilated for generations by the power companies, when they decided to cut down an eight mile stretch of 150 year old oaks!!! This was so they could save on the cost of trimming the trees every year.. It was the most devastation I had ever seen in an established wildlife environment. It took them 20 hours to wipe out the whole habitat over 8 miles. I was and still am heartbroken knowing I will never ever be able to walk in my area and see that again.....ever in my lifetime. The wildlife that thrived over this area lost a massive haven of natural habitat and safety. Now we have an even bigger area to be devastated by a power company. This will not only loose natural land resources for the production of food, and the open roaming areas of the already pressured wildlife but also the lifestyles of the next generation of farmers will be lost as their vocation will go the way of the miners. Now we already have so many industrial estates and industrial areas, and more specifically, there are the millions of new housing estates, taking up even more green belt land. Therefore I am dumbfounded that the government has not already seen the obvious. All new structures should have solar panels as standard. This across the billions of proposed new builds, (all over our area) would mean no need to permanently contaminate our country landscape and thousands of acres of valuable agricultural land any more that it is already. The proposed plans will permanently devastate this area for generations to come. There are better alternatives. Please don't make our next generation have to clean this up. We Need to create and inovate not devastate. Penny Redman