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Representation by Hull City Council (Hull City Council)

Date submitted
8 March 2024
Submitted by
Local authorities

The Council wishes to register its support for the proposed development in principle. The Council declared a Climate Emergency in March 2019, setting targets for the city and reflecting our key ambitions for sourcing energy in the future. This project has the potential to support the City’s and HEYLEP’s net zero, clean growth economy, and renewables sector priorities, and contribute to a vital part of the solution to the UK’s net zero 2050 target. The application is accompanied by a Framework Skills, Supply Chain and Employment Plan (Document Reference: EN010143/APP/7.15). The document defines a study area based upon a 60-minute drive time, within which the city of Hull squarely sits, and from within which it is estimated that 45% of construction staff could be sourced. Whilst reference is made to the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding’s Local Enterprise Partnership, not so the Hull and East Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership (HEY LEP), nor its Employment & Skills Strategy 2021-2026, or Hull & East Yorkshire Careers Hub. It is noted that Jobcentre Plus facilities within the study area but outside of the host authorities are referenced, but not Jobcentre Plus Hull, nor Hull City Council's Employment Hub. Similarly for apprenticeship training providers, for which Hull-based courses delivered by such as Hull Training and Adult Education, and Hull College of Further Education should be considered for inclusion.