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Representation by Ramblers Association- East Yorkshire & Derwent Branch (Ramblers Association- East Yorkshire & Derwent Branch)

Date submitted
5 March 2024
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

I am area secretary of the local Ramblers Association, and I live in Howden and regularly lead walks for the Ramblers around the Howden area. I am very concerned about the vast size of this proposed solar panel farm, it will result in the industrialisation of 3000 acres the lovely countryside, at numerous local sites where we love to walk. There are a number of public footpaths around these villages and also the "Howden 20" a 20 mile circular network of paths starting from Howden which is well known and attracts walkers from outside our area. The installation of huge rows of tall solar panels would ruin the beauty of these lovely footpaths for walkers, with large areas of fields of metal and glass, battery storage and high heavy duty security fencing. We are not against solar panels, I have them on the roof of my house, but they should be installed on building roofs and brown field sites and not on agricultural land.