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Representation by UK Solar Alliance (UK Solar Alliance)

Date submitted
8 March 2024
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

UK Solar Alliance Relevant Representation for East Yorkshire Solar NSIP Project My name is Dr Catherine Judkins and I am sending this representation on behalf of the UK Solar Alliance (formerly Solar Campaign Alliance). The UK Solar Alliance (UKSA) is an alliance of over 114 individual community groups across the UK, who have significant concerns about large-scale ground-mounted solar farms on greenfield land in their areas. The groups within the UKSA represent both NSIP schemes and projects that are seeking planning approval through local planning authorities. The UKSA recognises the importance of renewable energy and the contribution that solar PV can make towards achieving our Net Zero targets. We aim to facilitate appropriate solar developments and support roof top and car park solar, solar infrastructure corridors, etc. We agree with the Government’s hierarchy for ground-mounted solar schemes - that these should be directed to brownfield sites first, and unproductive land of low economic, ecological and landscape value when suitable brownfield sites cannot be found. The UKSA does not agree with inappropriate and unnecessary solar developments on valued greenfield and greenbelt land and is particularly concerned about the rapid cumulative loss of the UK’s most productive farmland to solar developments and the impact this will have on food security, as well as the UK’s future farming industry. Energy Minister Graham Stuart MP has confirmed that there are far more solar farm applications at present than the UK needs. Since we have an abundance of such schemes, we believe that the right choices need to be made and that only the highest quality applications, with the least land use conflicts and least impacts on communities, should progress. We do not consider that the East Yorkshire scheme meets these criteria. The UKSA wishes to register its objection to the East Yorkshire solar proposal for the following reasons: 1. The scheme does not comply with the NPPF which stipulates that valuable farmland should be avoided. The land at the proposed East Yorkshire site sustains a range of high yielding arable crops. 2. The UK is currently importing a large proportion of its food, and restricted supply and food rationing is becoming more prevalent across the UK. Food security must be considered when looking at planning proposals that include such large areas of highly productive farmland. 3. We do not believe that the impacts of the scheme can be considered “temporary.” Indeed, the loss of agricultural land could be lost indefinitely should the scheme be granted, and then ‘re-energised’ once its term has ended. 4. We have concerns about the site selection process and the significant impact that this scheme would have on the local landscape and on those who enjoy this landscape. This includes the inadequacy of the suggested mitigation measures. The close proximity to houses and settlements seems unnecessary, and the harm caused by this is therefore also unnecessary. 5. We also have questions about noise impacts and the affect of visual and noise impacts on people’s mental health and well-being. 6. The UKSA has significant concerns about the biodiversity claims and assessments and the long-term impacts this may have. We note the number of rare species within the scheme area. 7. We also consider that traffic and transport impacts have not been adequately addressed. 8. More generally we have concern about the adequacy of consultation, and the fact that a number of questions raised by residents during the statutory consultation remain unanswered by the developer. This is not the way to deliver renewable energy schemes with community support. Many thanks for your consideration.