
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Stephen O'Donnell

    This badly conceived scheme has already caused irreplaceable damage to Blick Mead on the WHS. The actual construction will forever destroy its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a... Read more

  • Steve Mackie

    I strongly believe this planning application to be a very unwise move which will destroy a world heritage site. There are many alternatives which are more acceptable because they will be far less... Read more

  • Steven Trueman

    Stonehenge has been standing for over 5000 years the table it stands on is fragile if damaged it is beyond repair The monument has significant meaning for the Pagan community which is the oldest... Read more

  • Stuart Culliford

    I am concerned that the scheme as it stands will lead to irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’

  • Susan Coppard

    The proposal is quite inappropriate for such a unique, majestic and irreplaceable site. Our island's history is embodied in it and should be given priority.

  • Susan Ponton

    I am concerned about damage to vital information to important historical sites. Loss of vision of the stones from the road. Disturbance of rare birds in the location. The landscape has great... Read more

  • Tanya Stobbs

    I object to the proposed Stonehenge tunnel because of the irreparable damage to the WHS that will be done. This is an historic part of the British landscape and should not be subjected to unnecessary... Read more

  • Terry Jackson-Baker

    I have known, visited and loved Stonehenge and the since childhood and the A303 always was an important route for my family and myself. The landscape, both ancient and modern, of Salisbury Plain and... Read more

  • Terry Winstanley

    I am absolutely disgusted with your actions, Stonehenge and the surrounding area have a very famous part in English history and Stonehenge and everywhere around that area should be protected and most... Read more

  • The Council for British Archaeology - Wessex Region (The Council for British Archaeology - Wessex Region)

    The Council for British Archaeology (Wessex Region) will wish to make representations concerning the impact of the scheme on the settings of known monuments and sites within the Stonehenge World... Read more

  • Tim Woodland

    Just no!

  • Timothy Clark

    No further damage should be done to the archaeological landscape of Stonehenge. Future generations would be appalled at those who decided that road widening should be at the expense of England’s most... Read more

  • Timothy Hughes

    Stonehenge is a unique part of the landscape of prehistoric Britain. Any works in the area of a world heritage site MUST be done with the utmost sensitivity, not just to the monument, but the wider... Read more

  • Timothy Lloyd

    Damage to the World Heritage Site, especially by construction of the tunnel portals In particular, damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site Risk of damage to sites, as yet unknown beyond the WHS No... Read more

  • Tom Killick

    1) Damage to World Heritage Site 2) Lack of alternative options 3) Increased traffic noise

  • Tony

    One of the pleasures of driving is being able to see things like Stonehenge while on route, bypasses and motorways are soulless and joyless I for one want to be able to see Stonehenge from the road.

  • Tony Conder

    Lack of alternative options in consultation that would not damage the World Heritage Site Loss of the view from the road and need to pay to see the Stones in future Disturbance of rare bird... Read more

  • Tracey Butcher

    This will cause irreparable damage to the WHS and its archaeology described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. This entire area should be treated with respect and left untouched.

  • Viola Sampson

    I am concerned about the irreparable damage to a World Heritage Site. I am also concerned about the damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site.

  • Walter Zuk

    I have the following objections to the current plan: 1) There be be damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. 2) UNESCO’s... Read more

  • Wendy Bradnam

    I cannot believe that, in the 21st century, we are thinking about destroying this world heritage site, a title not lightly given. But not only that, there is a second site that will be disturbed, a... Read more

  • White Rabbit Grove RDNA (White Rabbit Grove RDNA)

    This construction is already disrupting this world Heritage Landmark. It needs to be halted immediately. Construction machinery has damaged previously un-mapped formations of the Salisbury Plain... Read more

  • Will Kemp

    Alternative routes are available to not encroach upon the WHS land

  • William Leslie Hambrook

    The view fom the road is valuable to visitors. The archaeology must be preserved at all costs preferably by no earthmoving by mechanical means.The archaeology around the outlying site must be... Read more

  • Yowann Byghan

    The road works at and around Stonehenge are a damaging and unnecessary intrusion onto the most important archaeological site in Britain and one of the most important sites in the entire world. English... Read more