
Lower Thames Crossing

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 301 to 325 of 1148 representations, newest first.

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  • Letrois Bernard

    Total disagreement with the proposals on air pollution and other environmental grounds. The carving up of Thurrock by a new major motorway Lack of consultation and relevant easy to read materials Lack... Read more

  • Lesley Goodwin on behalf of Margaret Platt (Margaret Platt)

    LTC road when it is built will be directly in front of my home. Firstly, the tunnel is to close to the current Dartford Crossing to be a viable alternative it will just add to congestion in Thurrock... Read more

  • Medway Council (Medway Council)

    This Relevant Representation outlines the main issues for the Medway unitary authority area relevant to the proposed Lower Thames Crossing (LTC). It is understood that the Relevant Representation will... Read more

  • Mr John Thacker

    1. Continued rising Cost of LTC 2. Will not meet its original purpose to resolve the problem at the Dartford River Crossing 3. Will add to the frequent congestion issues on the M25 both directions... Read more

  • David Kay

    Numerous study’s and reports have already highlighted the area has illegal levels of air pollution. Will only partially resolve the issues at the Dartford Crossing. The constant tinkering with the... Read more

  • Robert William Quick

    - the proposed route will not meet it's primary commitment of reducing congestion on the Dartford Crossing and is therefore a waste of tax payers money. - the construction as planned will not deliver... Read more

  • The Orsett Community Forum (The Orsett Community Forum)

    The damage on the rural nature of Thurrock and its green belt The air pollution concerns have still not been addressed The fact that the proposals do not address the issues at Dartford The cost vs the... Read more

  • Markus Schmidt

    I would like to review the documentation to ensure I get the best possible outcome, which I didn't get at the Dartford crossing. I am still paying crossing fees today as your residents scheme is... Read more

  • Church of St Mary the Virgin, Chalk (Church of St Mary the Virgin, Chalk )

    1. The chosen route for the proposed Lower Thames Crossing may not achieve its main purpose of relieving congestion at Dartford. 2. The methodology for assessing the public's response to the various... Read more

  • Elaine Denmead

    We are concerned about the impact the Crossing and new roads will have on the area around Thurrock where we live. Initially, the work which will be required during the build process will be extremely... Read more

  • Hill Residential Ltd (Hill Residential Ltd)

    Dear Sirs, Hill Residential Ltd has contractual interests over wider land known as Kemps Farm. Kemps Farm includes land in titles; AA35431, EX864036, EX861191 and EX861187. On the basis of the... Read more

  • Leonidas Peppard

    I wish to make representations concerning the deleterious effects that the proposed road may have on the pulchritude - I speak now of physical beauty - of the Thurrock countryside. This is a section... Read more

  • Lesley Keefe

    I am a long term resident of East Tilbury ([Redacted]) and have seen the area change very much over the years. This project does nothing to improve the lives of East Tilbury residents, even when... Read more

  • Nigel Irvine Bourne

    The chosen route for the proposed Lower Thames Crossing may not achieve its main purpose of relieving congestion at Dartford. The methodology for assessing the public’s response to the various... Read more

  • South East Local Enterprise Partnership (South East Local Enterprise Partnership)

    The South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP) is a public private partnership which seeks to encourage growth and investment in the South East, to support businesses and encourage development of... Read more

  • Anne Copeland

    I wish to state that I have followed this since the beginning and do not want this crossing. It is too close to the Queen Elizabeth crossing and starting at junction29 will be of no benefit to us in... Read more

  • Carolyn Ager

    This present project will not cure the traffic problem. Outer village roads will be gridlocked. Carbon emissions will rocket. Countryside ruined.

  • Clive Graeme Bramley

    Simply that if you build more roads you get more traffic: even electric vehicles are traffic, which pollute and consume resources and have a high carbon footprint to build ad decommission: the money... Read more

  • Dr Elinor Thompson

    I object strongly, completely to this entire project. It is completely anachronistic to all sensible and long term community, health, transport, environment, pollution and climate change policy and... Read more

  • Gordon Hayers

    I strongly object to the LTC. These thoughts represent only some of my reasons. Having been born in and lived in Thurrock most of my [Redacted] years, I’ve witnessed many changes. Over the decades... Read more

  • Les Gamester

    The road plan appears to be badly thought out regarding the alleged reduction in traffic using the Dartford Crossing. The destruction to our local countryside will be devastating, especially... Read more

  • Michael Coates

    I want to see how it affects the roads around where I live and how long it will take to complete

  • Mr Anthony G Scott

    there is enough pollution in Thurrock we do not need anymore, the roads can not cope with the amount of traffic at the moment let alone after it is finished.

  • Steve Birch

    The project would: increase traffic growth leading to more carbon emissions, and combined with the construction emissions (see below), the total carbon emissions from the scheme would be at least 6.6... Read more

  • Steven Brace

    The extremely poor quality and complete Lack of detail in all of the hand outs with maps that are impossible to read. When information has bean requested no response or no answer given. The habitat... Read more