
Lower Thames Crossing

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 76 to 100 of 1148 representations, newest first.

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  • Marion Money

    That the planned access from A2 onto the tunnel approach road is inadequate. At this point the number of lanes is reducing from existing. The design relies on the Smart motorway principle which is now... Read more

  • Maritime and Coastguard Agency (Maritime and Coastguard Agency )

    The MCA has an interest in the works associated with the marine environment, and the potential impact on the safety of navigation, access to ports, harbours and marinas and any impact on our search... Read more

  • Mark Edge

    Just build it

  • Mark Gunns

    The country needs this initiative to keep transport moving and relieve the nonsense surrounding the Dartford Crossing

  • Mark R Bird

    I have serious concerns over the impact of this proposal to air quality, noise and light pollution, and the effect which the scheme will have upon the general health of Thurrock residents. Our area is... Read more

  • Mark Scutt

    I have lived in Kent for 40+ years and have always worked in various locations in London and Essex. I have found that East London and Essex have long been disconnected from Kent and vice versa due to... Read more

  • Medway Labour and Cooperative Group (Medway Labour and Cooperative Group)

    The Medway Labour and Cooperative Group will be making making representations on: The impact the LTC will have on the highways infrastructure in Medway and the wider North Kent area The implications... Read more

  • Michael Cox

    Strongly in favour of professing as quickly as possible.

  • Michael Dovey

    I believe this will eventually cost 10 billion plus and do very little to improve traffic movement in Thurrock and Dartford. The money should surely be directed to more worthy needs. I know my views... Read more

  • Michael Dwyer

    As a person deeply affected by the Dartford crossing, since i live next to it, I'd really like to understand and contribute to the review and design of the lower Thames crossing.

  • Michael Portwain

    My main points are the many points of pollution that the road will cause, and that the road will be the 3rd side of a triangle that will totally encircle Sth ockendon by major roads. The fact that... Read more

  • Michael Smoker

    I wish to express my views to the flow and layout of junctions of the proposed new road.

  • Mr Jonathan Baker

    I fully support the Lower Thames Crossing designed as a Three lane all purpose dual Carriageway with its design features with green bridges and landscaping to screen the road from noise, visual, and... Read more

  • Mr Simon Daniel

    The area where I live Linford/Stanford already has some of the most polluted air in Europe let alone the UK. You now plan to drive a new motorway through an area of green belt land. Are you trying to... Read more

  • Mrs Katherine Hicks

    My concerns are that the new road will be too close to my home. This causes me concerns about the disruption during the construction of the new road as well as after the road has been completed. The... Read more

  • Neil Camp

    I wish to support the application.

  • Nigel Fern

    Poor future proofing - a 3 lane motorway with no 'hard shoulder' is a recipe for disaster. It needs to be a minimum of 3 running lanes with a hard shoulder, preferably with 4 running lanes and a hard... Read more

  • Ola George

    I believe the construction of lower Thames crossing would make life easier for people living in Kent, Essex and environ. It would be a good addition to our infrastructure. Connections around the area... Read more

  • Opportunity South Essex (Opportunity South Essex)

    Opportunity South Essex (OSE) represents the Business Community across South Essex, covering the local authority areas of Thurrock, Brentwood, Basildon, Castle Point, Southend and Rochford. OSE is... Read more

  • Patricia Ann Sparrow

    My representation relates to the concerns I have with the following: 1) the plan as submitted does not resolve the issues with the existing crossing and therefore does not provide value to the... Read more

  • Patrick Lewarne

    To ensure that the new road does not suffer from the problems built into previous schemes. Also that the road works necessary to build the new road do not make a large impact on the existing... Read more

  • Paul Scott

    I am concerned at the environmental aspects and that forms the basis of my representation in this process.

  • Paula Boeg

    I am interested to know why this project is still being considered . Taking into consideration the negative environmental impact, the loss of green belt, devastation to ancient woodlands and wildlife... Read more

  • Paula Clarke

    I confirm that I will be part of this process and agree that the Lower Thames crossing is a well needed transport requirement to alleviate traffic between Essex and North Kent

  • Peter Alan Braben

    I am STRONGLY OPPOSED TO THIS DEVELOPMENT I suspect the developers of this project are so focused on their profitability, they have forgotten we have a Climate Crisis. What we need right now is fewer... Read more