
A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

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  • Neil Wildey

    The economic, social and environment benefits from reduced traffic congestion, to not only residents of Glossop but those of the High Peak area as a whole, of the planned A57 Link Road should easily... Read more

  • Nicola Kassar

    I strongly support the Mottram Bypass & Glossop Spur Road being built, the area is in dire need of this.

  • Oliver Wilson

    As a Glossop local, it goes without saying that the planned bypass will be a great help in daily life for myself as well as many others , in the ease of car traffic that it will bring about. I deemed... Read more

  • Patricia Milner

    I agree on the glossop bypass

  • Paul Child

    Provision of this road scheme will relieve traffic congestion in the Mottram and Hollingworth villages and reduce the environmental impact that is suffered by their residents.

  • Paul Coverley

    The bypass would allow my business in the High Peak to operate much more efficiently and increase the chances of it remaining as a significant employer in the area ( Hayfield/New Mills)

  • Paul Parkins

    Again the bypass is trying to be prevented with no reasonable excuse. The local council is allowing 100s of new houses to be built in Glossop Hadfield and surrounding areas yet not allowing of any... Read more

  • Paul Scullion

    This is an essential improvement in the Gloosopdale road system which will reduc3 travelling times, increase mpg and decrease pollution.

  • Paul Spooner

    I support the building of the new bypass and it is unbelievable that any councillors worth the name are trying to block this.

  • Paul Tighe

    This bypass will considerably ease the traffic flow in many ways. It will stop stop unnecessary journeys to avoid the traffic congestion as it is now. It will allow allow through traffic not to occupy... Read more

  • Paul Wild

    I have been commuting up and down Mottram Moor for 60years and seen the traffic congestion go from bad to worse and worse to horrendous .The promise of a by pass all those years ago gave us all some... Read more

  • Pete Dawson

    I oppose the proposed scheme on the basis it will bring more traffic into Glossop on th A57. It is not a viable relief road.

  • Peter Collard

    I have lived in Glossop for 40 years and, particularly in the last 5 have noticed a large building program of housing that has not been reflected in improving the roads infrastructure. As a result the... Read more

  • Peter Creighton

    The current infrastructure cannot cope with the sheer volume of traffic and urgently requires this bypass to help the unbelievable congestion that we have to fight through on a daily basis.

  • Peter Robinson

    I object to the scheme. I am astounded that Highways England can bring forward a scheme that impacts so adversely on local roads in the Hope Valley. I am particularly concerned about the 38% increased... Read more

  • Peter Simon

    I oppose the DCO Application for reasons given here in summary . 1. On balance the scheme fails to establish a benefit that outweighs the considerable adverse impacts. In particular the scheme is... Read more

  • Phil Duckworth

    This road needs building to stop congestion in Glossop so listen to the voter and do this for the people.

  • Phil Hesketh

    I support the bypass. Having lived with the traffic for 29 years myself, and some of my neighbours for many more, it is time to stop all of the political bickering and get it done. We live in a daily... Read more

  • Phil Ransom

    I support the bypass

  • Philip Norman Barton

    I regularly drive from Buxton via the M62 to Leeds/Bradford. The obvious quickest satnav route is via the A57, through Mottram to the M67. However, because of delays between Glossop and Mottram, I... Read more

  • Raymond Barker

    This bypass has been needed for decades. To block it now would be a travesty. Travelling around the country, there are very few roads as bad as the A57/A628 around the Mottram/ Tintwistle/Glossop area... Read more

  • Rebecca Orchard

    I support this bypass

  • Lesley Hoban on behalf of Rebecca Perry (Rebecca Perry)

    Rebecca works in Manchester and has this congestion every working day

  • Richard D Wilson

    We need this bypass it is essential for our mental health and well being and for the environment. We should have had this 25 years ago please ensure this is done as soon as pssible.

  • Richard Wood

    With the volume of traffic currently trying to access the M67 from A57 Glossop, Tintwistle, Hadfield & Padfield etc. the backlog of queuing traffic which is not only at rush hour times is usually back... Read more

  • Robert Kenworthy

    The Pennines need a second Motorway crossing especially in the winter. The M62 is not sufficient for serving England nowadays as a main link across the country. The M67 was always intended to be... Read more

  • Robert Naylor

    I strongly support this programme, TR010034, a57 Link Roads. As a new resident of Glossop who travels frequently on the M6/M5 for business, I have been dismayed at the almost constant traffic backlog... Read more

  • Robert Quarmby

    Necessary to reduce the continuous traffic congestion and subsequent environmental pollution in the area.

  • Roger Womack

    For too long the residents of Mottram, Hadfield, Glossop, Charles worth and Broasbottom have suffered from the enormous amount of through traffic from Manchester to Sheffield, either directly or as a... Read more

  • Rosalind Hardy

    I feel that the pollution caused by the slow moving and often stationary traffic is a major factor especially given the current global crisis. Also it can be quite dangerous as frustrated motorists... Read more

  • Roy Calder

    Having been a resident of GLOSSOP for almost twenty years I have been disappointed in the time it has taken to deliver the initial stage of this project. while it will not address all the issues we... Read more

  • Russell Baker

    As someone who worked in Glossop I confirm the importance of this relief road. it will greatly improve the quality of life for local residents who are currently faced with effectively being locked in.... Read more

  • Russell Gard

    I fully support the new link road as above but would prefer roundabouts rather that light controlled junction as originally suggested. As a regular use of Brookfield amd Mottram Moor by car and... Read more

  • S J Hunter

    It is in the best interests of the local people for the bypass to proceed. It can take over an hour from queueing at the end of the motorway to reaching Glossop town centre during rush hours, this is... Read more

  • Sam Hardy

    The need for the scheme: The link road separates the A57 traffic from the A628 traffic. This will enable the slow queue to be eliminated on Mottram Moor, and reduce the long tailbacks on the A628 and... Read more

  • Sandra Weedon

    Ease of access to M67 Quality of life for the local residents Improved air quality for area.

  • Sarah Broadbent

    A agree with this submission.

  • Sharon Jones

    I am against the road for the following reasons, encouraging more people to come through the area, thus causing more pollution we have enough now. Hollingworth school is on the main road which is in... Read more

  • Sheila Bailey

    We have waited a very long time for this by pass. Now everything is put in place it appears as though some people are trying to stop it. The bypass is needed because of the number of cars which now... Read more

  • Simon Hollinghurst

    Hurry up and get it done , other towns and areas are leap years ahead of us - its a National disgrace that is always in the news about traffic jams

  • Simon Hurrell

    I strongly support this important investment in local infrrastructure

  • Stephanie Haley

    This area is blighted by transpennine traffic -particularly trucks. It is much worse than when a bypass was first promised many years ago. The hills in this area make polution from reving vehicles... Read more

  • Stephen Christie

    There are more houses being built in this area every day and the infrastructure can not cope We need the bypass now

  • Stephen Ellingham

    I have lived in Hope Valley for over 35 years and have had to make many journeys through Glossop and onto the M67. Through this, I am aware of the usual gridlock between Glossop and M67 and think that... Read more

  • Stephen Hague

    As a native of Glossop who has always resided here, I have first hand knowledge of the massive increase in the congestion caused by the bottleneck at Mottram. The sheer waste of fuel, time and... Read more

  • Stephen Mason

    I have used the roads mentioned and every time the congestion and delays have been horrendous and a nightmare to people who live in the area. The bypass is essential to relieve congestion and improve... Read more

  • Stephen Oswald

    This Bypass is essential and years overdue [redacted] in Tameside and a resident of Glossop I know first hand what a huge difference this will make. I am shocked but not surprised that the local... Read more

  • Stephen Yorke

    I oppose the Planning application for the following reasons: 1 While the current traffic problems at Mottram will be eased there will be a significant increase in traffic in Glossopdale, Woodhead Road... Read more

  • Steve Lomas

    For the bypass

  • Steven Ellis

    We have lived in the area for years and the end of the M67 is a discussing mess it’s always got held up traffic and makes any journey unpleasant and means that extra fumes are put into the... Read more

  • Stuart Broadhurst

    I have been a resident of the High Peak for over 20 years. Before this, over 40 years ago, I attended Longdendale High School and travelled from Hyde via bus service to Hollingworth. Throughout this... Read more

  • Stuart Clarke

    As someone who spends hours each week queuing to get in and out of Glossop I do wonder why there even needs to be a consultation on this project. Anyone from the National Infrastructure Planning Board... Read more

  • Stuart Roberts

    This is a bypass that has been promised for years, it must go ahead and not be blocked by Labour.

  • Susan Hall

    This is a much needed road for everyone, it will free up a lot of traffic going through Glossop

  • Susan Parkes

    My representation is about noise and pollution in Charlesworth. I first moved to [redacted] before the M67 was opened and although some would use High Lane as a short cut to Glossop it was relevantly... Read more

  • Terence Cross

    The very long overdue Mottram Bypass and Glossop Spur Road is desperately needed to alleviate the horrendous traffic congestion in the town. This is especially urgent in light of the additional... Read more

  • Thomas Power

    The bypass has been sought for by the people of this constituency for decades. It has been thoroughly researched and and finally approved for commencement. The obvious massively beneficial outcome... Read more

  • Tom Hodgson

    I believe this bypass is required, the traffic around Glossop is horrendous when trying to access the Motorway westbound from the High Peak.

  • Tom Hughes

    My concern is the lack of any action to relieve the village of Tintwistle 0f the burden of very heavy traffic at all times, day and night. The village, for years, has been ignored in respect of the... Read more

  • Tony England

    As a local resident of Glossop I am very much in favour of the proposed A57 Link Roads Upgrade on the grounds of existing extreme traffic congestion in and around Glossop, resultant air pollution... Read more

  • Tracy Welford

    I personally am fed up to the back teeth of not being able to get In it out of glossop, more and More houses are being built adding to this huge problem. I also work in the community and getting from... Read more

  • Trevor Hoyland

    The proposed by-pass will improve air quality, speed up journey times for commuters and businesses and prevent rat-running which adversely affects the whole area. The present situation is deplorable... Read more

  • Trudy Phillips

    It is vitally important that the Bypass and Spur roads are built. I have lived in Glossop for over 40 years and have seen the traffic situation worstening over the years. The roads cannot cope with... Read more

  • Val Trivett

    We have been awaiting this for ages and it will alleviate congestion!

  • Vanessa Mccallum

    I support the Mottram Bypass and spur road being build. I have previously lived very close to Mottram Moor and now live in the centre of Glossop, I have lived in the area for more than 20 years.... Read more

  • Vera Linda Mellor

    Just an ordinary member of the public who feels strongly about reducing traffic congestion and the quality of the air we breathe.

  • Wanda Power

    The Bypass is long awaited and much needed for the residents of Hadfield and Glossop who are forced to waste time on a daily basis sitting in gridlocked traffic whilst trying to get to the M67 and to... Read more

  • Wayne Latham

    There is little to no infrastructure around this area, and this bypass has been needed since the 1960s. Ques are horrendous..

  • Wendy Willoughby

    Without the new bypass there can be no spur road to relieve the progress of heavy traffic coming from the Woodhead Pass and the M1 which has to travel through Tintwhistle to get to the M67 and... Read more

  • Zakida Bi

    I am against this scheme for the following reasons:   1. It would be the start of a new expressway across the Peak District National Park to South Yorkshire, driving more traffic across this beautiful... Read more

  • Adrian Hopkinson

    I support the application for the Mottram by pass however I do think that this will only part solve the huge congestion issues and a by pass of Hollingworth and Tintwisle is also needed.

  • Andrew McCallum

    the bypass is essential.

  • Andy Booth

    I object as this is not a bypass, reports which are freely available have proved that emissions and traffic will in fact increase. A full bypass or weight limit on the A628 and B6105 is required. The... Read more

  • Anthony Hague

    I hope the plans get approved [redacted] have lived in this area all my life .The traffic is getting worse so hopefully the road will stop people having to be stuck in traffic trying to get to and up... Read more

  • Anthony Rodrigues

    We Live [redacted] Tintwistle, we have to live with Cars going past our Property often but more so HGV's causing noise 247 Monday all the way to Sunday there is no rest. I Object to the Road being... Read more

  • Barry Ward

    I’ve lived in glossop for all of my life and all that time it’s been an absolute nightmare to get in or get out of glossop. Whilst all of the various vehicles queue up to get in or out and having... Read more

  • Bill Jubb

    The HGV traffic which leaves the motorway at Mottram is intolerable and has been increasing since it was opened in the late 1960's. The original plan was for it to go to Sheffield and the cost was... Read more

  • Brian Mallalieu

    Having wasted too long on a number of occasions just sitting or creeping up Mottram Hill (unnecessarily polluting the atmosphere!) trying to reach the motorway, I am appalled at the utter disregard... Read more

  • Cadent Gas Limited (WITHDRAWN) (Cadent Gas Limited (WITHDRAWN))

    Please refer to representation and documents submitted to

  • Colin O'Flaherty

    I Object to the Scheme for the reasons below. I believe it shifts the traffic from one location to another and doesn't solve the problem. the traffic benefits to Mottram come at the expense of others.... Read more

  • Dan Reeds

    I support this bypass. It has been known to be required for the last few decades and its continued delay is causing continued traffic issues to the surrounding areas. Regards,

  • Daniel Cornwell

    I have lived in Glossop for the past twenty years plus (off and on) and this bypass MUST be started on time. Otherwise the traffic will continue to grow and the links from Manchester Eastwards are not... Read more

  • Darren Jones

    The proposal does little to improve the traffic passing through Tintwistle. In fact it makes the route more attractive to through traffic and may increase the number of vehicles on the road.

  • David Baines

    I represent myself as someone who uses this route when travelling from Buxton to reach the M60 and go northwards. I have used this route over 30 years and observed the congestion getting worse, so I... Read more

  • David F May

    I support the building of the A57 Link Roads to help ease traffic congestion in the Longdendale Valley and Glossop area.

  • David Kirkwood

    I have lived in the broad vicinity of this proposed scheme (A57 Link Road/Mottram bypass) for over 30 years and am well aware of the serious traffic congestion this scheme aims to alleviate and the... Read more

  • David Morgan

    Concern over the increase of traffic through Hollingworth and Tintwistle and the impact on air quality in these villages as a result of the proposed link roads. The proposed scheme should enable... Read more

  • David Scott

    As a resident of glossop I spend most of my life sat in traffic either on my way to work or my way home I am disappointed that an objection has been made against the bypass which we have waited for... Read more

  • Della Fahy

    I am for the bye pass to go ahead. I live in Broadbottom , at certain times of the day our road is like a motorway. The cars using our village as a cut through do not always follow the speed limit and... Read more

  • Della Leddy

    I am a local resident of Hadfield and Glossop, and have been waiting a very, very long time for the Mottram Bypass, in fact for over 50 years for this to come to fruition. I believe the funding has... Read more

  • Duncan Adam Rimmer

    It is vital that the bypass is built as soon as possible. Due process has been done over many years, so there should be no delays pampering to extreme views.

  • Elizabeth Hughes

    The bypass needs to go ahead as currently planned as soon as possible. The traffic around Glossop and the surrounding areas is intolerable and must have a detrimental effect on peoples' health, mental... Read more

  • Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland (Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland )

    We object to the scheme for the following reasons: 1. Over 60 years the scheme would add an extra 399,867 tonnes carbon dioxide. Carbon emissions must be tested against international and national... Read more

  • Gale Blackburn

    This road will not solve the snarl up of traffic on Mottram Moor The governments road building schemes are by now most likely illegal under the Paris Climate Agreement and there can be no case for it... Read more

  • Gareth Vaughan

    After the amount of tax already spent on this project over several years of planning, and the continuous building of housing in the High Peak, the amount of heavy goods traffic coming over the A57 to... Read more

  • Gillian Mellor

    This relief road as been promised for many years and yet again some one wants to stop it. It would be a great improvement to the area as the air quality would improve and there wouldn't be the... Read more

  • Graeme Shackleton

    I back the bypass because current traffic is really bad takes me an extra hour to get to work

  • Graham Beaumont

    I feel that the land taken from me [redacted] will be excessive, And I do not wish to sell anymore land than that is needed for the link road to sit on only. I can understand that some land may be... Read more

  • Graham Preston

    To borrow a quote from the Chair of the Glossopdale Labour Party Branch [redacted] "Peter Allen, Chair of the Glossopdale Labour Party Branch, said: “Everybody recognises the dilemma people are in. On... Read more

  • Heather Rodrigues

    We Object to the Road being built, it will not help us in Tintwistle, we live on [redacted], which is currently 40 mph speed limit, which the HGV's don't normally do more like 6o MPH and when your... Read more