
A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

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Showing 401 to 425 of 909 representations, newest first.

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  • George Tidmarsh

    People living in this area have been waiting nearly 50 years for this very necessary by-pass around Mottram village. Every day of the week there are long queues of heavyweight vehicles crawling up the... Read more

  • Georgina Barber

    These road developments in Longdendale would merely attract MORE traffic to the area causing more environmental damage than the present road systems do. And since they would merely lead the increased... Read more

  • Josephine Smith

    I dont believe the scheme will achieve the intended objective of reducing traffic congestion so I don't think it should go ahead. I'm basing my opinion on data from Highways England.

  • Josh Pugh

    To whom it may concern, I object to the construction of the proposed A57 Link Road as projections show it will likely lead to increased congestions at other points along the A57, thus shifting but not... Read more

  • Antony Bruce

    Getting out of Glossop towards the M67 and Manchester is, on most occasions, a crawl. One lane of traffic moving slowly. It can take up to 45 mins just to get to the M67 and this is made much worse if... Read more

  • Bamford with Thornhill Parish Council (Bamford with Thornhill Parish Council)

    The proposed scheme divides public opinion. The Council remains concerned about potential safety and environmental impacts from the scheme, caused by greater traffic volumes using the Snake Pass; it... Read more

  • David Bratley

    My representation is that the proposed link roads should not go ahead, for me the key reasons are: increased traffic sitting in Glossopdale leading to vastly increased air pollution, damage that will... Read more

  • Hardip Hazelwood

    The bypass is needed as the areas surrounding Tintwistle/Hadfield/Padfield/Glossop is expanding at a phenomenal rate that traffic is very often at a standstill. Furthermore with more and more goods... Read more

  • Janet England

    This road is required and to be honest should have been built years ago. The traffic pollution caused by vehicles passing through to get to either the Woodhead road or the Snake pass is not... Read more

  • Julie Soboljew

    I have lived in the Glossop area for over 30years. When we first moved in we were waiting for the M60 to be complete. This made a huge difference once open. However the area has continued to build new... Read more

  • Paul Saunders

    1) The The Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) figures presented in the documentation do not correspond to the figures published on the Department of Transport (DfT) web site. 2) The claim in the... Read more

  • Rachel Downham

    I am objecting to the proposed A57 scheme for the following reasons: The scheme does not offer a solution for the congestion, air pollution and climate emissions that would result. Alternatives to... Read more

  • Rachel Vernon

    I commute to work on week days from Glossop and I need to get to the M67. I am often stuck in very long queues that stretch right back from Mottram into Glossop. I am aware that it would also improve... Read more

  • Richard Malkin

    The Mottram by-pass and Glossop spur road projects are long overdue. The present road system is a constant nightmare for commuters, local inhabitants and residents along the overcrowded route.... Read more

  • Alison Evans

    The planning must consider the impact of traffic through the villages of Hollingworth, Tintwistle and along the A628 Woodhead Pass. Once the road infrastructure is improved at Mottram Moor it brings... Read more

  • Kevin Knott

    Has the planning taken into account the improvement to Mottram Moor will open the flood gate to traffic through Hollingsworth, Tintwistle and onto the A628 Woodhead Pass.

  • Holme Valley Vision Network (Holme Valley Vision Network)

    We object to the scheme for the following reasons: 1 The scheme would increase traffic on the wider network and specifically on the A6024 Holme Moss Road by 14% and on the A628T by 7% (ES Appendix 2.1... Read more

  • Carol Beckett

    Dear Highways Department, This plan for the A57 Link Road is not fit for purpose. The initial objective has not changed, which is to alleviate the congestion, noise, pollution and stress that the... Read more

  • Derwent & Hope Woodlands Parish Council (Derwent & Hope Woodlands Parish Council)

    The link road will cause an increase in traffic along the A57 Snake Pass. The Snake Pass is subject to subsidence because parts of it are built on shale banks and the road is regularly closed to... Read more

  • James Phillips

    The proposed Mottram bypass is an essential infrastructure project to ease the chaotic and damaging traffic bottleneck in the Motttam/Glossop area. Residents and businesses have been blighted by this... Read more

  • Julie Kelly

    I am concerned at the amount of traffic each day and the air pollution caused by this situation. The congestion is dreadful, travelling through the area is a nightmare. Traffic is always backed up... Read more

  • Patricia Pasiecznik

    I am 100% opposed to this half-a-bypass proposal. It is NOT, repeat NOT, what the long suffering residents of Mottram, Hollingworth, and Tintwistle. The new High Peak Tory MP has extracted £180m from... Read more

  • Sheffield Climate Alliance (Sheffield Climate Alliance)

    Introduction We are commenting on this proposed scheme because it would increase greenhouse gas emissions during a climate emergency. Since the scheme was proposed in 2018, stronger local and national... Read more

  • Sheila Saunders

    • Derbyshire councils have increased housing and industry/business in the Glossop area increasing traffic on A57 Mottram Moor, but they do not appear to ‘pay’ much for any of the infrastructure i.e.... Read more

  • Climate Emergency Planning and Policy (Climate Emergency Planning and Policy)

    Dr Andrew Boswell, Climate Emergency Planning and Policy As an independent environmental consultant specialising in climate science, policy, and law, I object to the A57 Missing Link scheme: A. Table... Read more