
A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

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Showing 426 to 450 of 909 representations, newest first.

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  • Rachel Croft

    I object to the proposed Mottram Bypass. It will do nothing to relieve traffic congestion or improve the air quality in Tintwistle or Glossop. It will simply move the existing problem elsewhere. What... Read more

  • Stacey Martin

    I live in Glossop and oppose the bypass. It will not relieve the congestion or improve the air quality in Glossop. The situation in Glossop is already dire, and funds being spent on this will prevent... Read more

  • Suzanne Kidd

    I object to the scheme for the following reasons: The scheme would increase traffic. This conflicts with national policies to cut climate change emissions and shift car journeys to walking, cycling... Read more

  • Chris Hallam

    The road will increase carbon emissions (CPRE report 2017) stated that new roads increase traffic for the given areas by 47% over 20 years. This fails to take into consideration the net zero carbon... Read more

  • Iram Younis

    I am opposed to this scheme for the reasons stated below: I disagree with the fundamental premise on which the scheme is based. The application refers to strategic routes between Manchester and... Read more

  • Arthur Stanway

    My concerns about the proposal of the A57 Link Roads are, this will bring more traffic into the area. This will create more standing traffic in Tintwistle, making it even harder and more dangerous to... Read more

  • Cameron Walker

    As a resident of Glossop I would like to register my objection to the proposed A57 Link Road. It doesn't make sense on any level. Glossop already has a traffic problem, this road will only make that... Read more

  • Dr. Jeffery Brown

    1. The Highways England virtual consultations during the pandemic were woefully inadequate; no traffic modelling and no pollution modelling were provided. Since the DCO application, we have learnt of... Read more

  • Ian Snelling

    So what happens to people who live in Hollingworth and Tintwistle? Do we carry on with poisoning gasses. Unable to have windows open. Look at traffic outside our houses every day. Thousands of... Read more

  • Karen Smith

    One of Highways England's stated aims of the Mottram bypass is to improve the reliability of the journey time along the A57 in the Longdendale area, as currently 'the delivery of goods to businesses... Read more

  • Mary Moss

    The scheme will only relieve traffic congestion in a very small area, while almost certainly increasing congestion throughout Glossopdale and Longendale, in particular in Hollingworth and Tintwistle... Read more

  • Nicola Raine

    I live with the A57 at the bottom of my garden in Tintwistle. The proposed mottram bypas and Glossop spur, will not reduce traffic but will INCREASE it!!. My children have to walk to school beside... Read more

  • Pauline Bell

    The Mottram by-Pass is a half-hearted measure that simply pushes the congestion from Mottram further towards Glossopdale. It will benefit the residents of Mottram but at the expense of Glossopdale... Read more

  • Poppy Simon

    I am writing to register my objection to the proposed A57 Link Roads and encourage the Examination to scrutinise the following issues. I believe the proposed benefits to Mottram will come at the... Read more

  • Roderick Lloyd Gray

    I submit that this proposed A57 link road, while benefiting a small area of Tameside, i.e. Mottram, it will have a hugely detrimental effect on Hollingworth, Tintwistle, Glossop and Hadfield. To save,... Read more

  • Roger Barrett

    Previously I have supported the application, but on examining the information contained in ‘6.5 Environmental Statement Appendix 2.1 Traffic Data’ I now am very much against the bypass going ahead.... Read more

  • Stewart Winterbottom

    The A57 link road does not reduce the traffic congestion in Tintwistle and Hollingworth. The proposed road does not bypass the village, therefore Tintwistle will continue to be subjected to heavy... Read more

  • Adam Rodgers

    I am against this planned bypass, if the UK is going to achieve Carbon Neutral by 2050, we should be encouraging other more environmentally efficient forms of transport

  • Alex Henderson

    It is essential that the a57 link road gets completed traffic around Hollingworth & mottram can add almost 2 hours to my journey each working day it’s horrendous any objections are ridiculous not only... Read more

  • Alice Song

    I believe the bypass will be very important to my quality of life living at Glossop. Especially with the building of more properties, the traffic will increase and the situation will just get worse... Read more

  • Anne Coackley

    I am in favour of anything which stops Charlesworth being a rat-run.

  • Anne Parkin

    there is a desperate need to improve the traffic problems in and around the Glossop area. The new by pass and spur road would certainly alleviate this situation .Also there would be better air quality... Read more

  • Anthony Hall

    A57 link road would be an essential benefit to both commuters, local business and residents. I live in Tintwistle which is beset with horrific traffic issues that this link road would at least reduce.... Read more

  • Austin Milner

    The traffic situation in and surrounding Glossop is an absolute disgrace and needs to be addressed. The bypass would be a significant addition to ease the problems in the local area and improve life... Read more

  • Ben Hodgkinson

    The Mottram bypass and Glossop spur road are badly needed improvements to local transport infrastructure. I moved to the area 3 and a half years ago, and the congestion in the area routinely causes... Read more