
A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

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Showing 451 to 475 of 909 representations, newest first.

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  • Bernadette Barlow

    Having worked in the taxi service for many years, the moor has a knock on effect on the whole of the Glossop area..rush hour, what about the weekend? Bumper to bumper all day long, people will opt for... Read more

  • Beverley Conway

    I have lived in Glossop all my life (55yrs). My biggest bug bear is the fact we can not get in or out of Glossop due to all the traffic. More & more houses are being built without a proper... Read more

  • Caroline Gilbert

    I live just off the A57 into glossop. This road is heavily congested, largely due to traffic which is held up joining Mottram Moor and passing through Woolley Bridge. The spur road will help this by... Read more

  • Charlotte George

    As a local resident of the area, close to the planned route of the new bypass I was thrilled to receive a notice of the intended works as Glossop is infamous for its congestion issues. As a frequent... Read more

  • Charlotte Greenough

    The proposals would make a significant difference for the residents of the local area. The Mottram Moor to A57 link Road will provide a much needed extra 'exit' route from the glossop/hadfield area.... Read more

  • Cherryl Forbes

    This bypass has been promised to and fought by local people for the last 60 years and majority are definitely in favour of it. Funding has finally been secured and the contract signed to build it. The... Read more

  • Cheryl Morrell

    I live on Market Street in Hollingworth, which is the main / major road through , Hollingworth to Tintwistle and work Mon - Fri 22 miles away. The traffic is appalling and is literally nose to nose... Read more

  • Christopher Carre

    I wish to support the application to build the bypass. The local area has suffered for too long without it.

  • CPRE Lancashire, Liverpool City Region and Greater Manchester (CPRE Lancashire, Liverpool City Region and Greater Manchester)

    Dear Planning Inspectorate, I am writing on behalf of the Campaign to Protect Rural England Lancashire, Liverpool City Region and Greater Manchester (CPRE) with a request to be an Interested Party and... Read more

  • Savills (UK) Ltd (Savills (UK) Ltd) on behalf of Crossways Commercial Estates Ltd (Crossways Commercial Estates Ltd)

    Dear Sir/ Madam, I write on behalf of Crossways Commercial Estates Ltd the freehold owners of part of the land affected by the A57 upgrade – land registry reference GM917343. The site comprises the... Read more

  • Daniel Johnson

    Every single day I have to spend 30 minutes stuck in traffic on market street to do a ten minute drive to work. Every time I leave my home I’m stuck in traffic also all day and night all I hear is... Read more

  • Darren Brocklehurst

    I fully support the building of the Mottram Bypass, both on a personal level and the fact that I also have a haulage business that works locally around this area. Glossop remains mostly inaccessible... Read more

  • Garry Bagguley

    The bypass is critically needed and has been for a ver long time. It can add up to an hour each way on a journey. I am very much in favour of the by pass.

  • Gary Hammond

    I am in favour of the bypass and wholly disagree with Labours opposition

  • Gavin Parkin

    I have lived in Glossop for over 40 years. In that period building has been prolific with no commensurate increase in the infrastructure. Getting out of Glossop especially to the M67 has become a... Read more

  • Gemma Jones

    I lived in Hadfield until recently. We moved because of the horrendous traffic on the m67 affecting badly my partners work commute . Not only the work commute but daily trying to get up Mottram Moor... Read more

  • Hayley Simpson

    A lorry ban coupled with sustainable transport measures and technological improvements would bring lasting benefits and avoid the above adverse impacts. But Highways England rejected this option. Far... Read more

  • Robert Hodgetts Haley (Robert Hodgetts Haley) on behalf of High Peak Green Party (High Peak Green Party)

    If the purpose of the proposed new road is to resolve the longstanding problems of traffic congestion and air pollution in Glossopdale and Tameside, it fails. Projections for the proposal indicate... Read more

  • Ian Juby

    Please get this bypass built ASAP The whole area needs this to improve travel times and air quality.

  • Ingrid Lewis

    As a resident on Hyde Road Mottram, in theory I will benefit from the spur road, as traffic will be directed away from the road at the front of my property. However, this small gain is offset by what... Read more

  • Jade Jackson

    I would like the bypass to be going ahead. The traffic within Glossop is an absolute nightmare and hopefully this will help. Considering we are having more houses built in the area we definitely need... Read more

  • Jane Reynolds

    If the purpose of the proposed new road is to resolve the longstanding problems of traffic congestion and air pollution in Glossopdale and Tameside, it fails. Projections for the proposal indicate... Read more

  • Jason Egerton

    I believe they should implement a cross pennine ban on HGV's across the A628 route and A57 routes, local deliveries only. This could be Policed by anpr cameras with speed and safety measures for the... Read more

  • Jessica Mooney

    I believe the bypass should be built as it would allow easier access in and out of glossop aka the surrounding areas. Being a parent of two disabled children results in my having to attend multiple... Read more

  • Jimmy Mcgrane

    I support the bypass because as a hgv driver using the woodhead pass on a regular basis it often adds a hour + to my journey and makes it very difficult to manage my driving hours especially at peak... Read more