
A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

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Showing 651 to 675 of 909 representations, newest first.

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  • John Rawicz-Szczerbo

    I understand that the Glossop Labour Party have just passed a formal motion opposing the Mottram Bypass & Glossop Spur Road and have committed to “campaign vigorously” against the bypass and have even... Read more

  • John Williams

    This highway relief scheme is long overdue, the bottlenecks caused by traffic delays are both frustrating to the travelling public and harmful to the local environment.

  • John Youatt

    To be sure that the planning balance between harm to the natural environment is justified by an essential need to manage traffic better. To be sure that there is not a better option. If neither apply,... Read more

  • Jonathan Cantrill

    I wish to register my concerns with regard to the A57 Link Roads. Firstly the plans in there current form will move congestion from one area to another without solving the issue. In fact creating the... Read more

  • Jonathan Crunkhorn

    I am in favour of approving the building of the A57 link roads.

  • Joseph Poore

    I oppose the construction of the A57 link road for two reasons. Firstly the road runs through fields and more development for road infrastructure the expense of habitat for wildlife is simply... Read more

  • Julian Graves

    As a Glossop resident for almost 20 years I have seen at first hand the abysmal traffic problems that Glossop and the surrounding area suffer from. Before I moved to the area a work colleague told me... Read more

  • Julie Cross

    As a working resident of hadfield, who works nights we desperately Need the bypass approving over the past 10 years traffic has increased Enormously with all the new houses being built but the road... Read more

  • Juliet Hardy-Wilson

    The traffic around Mottram and Hollingworth is horrendous which has meant that many village roads including through Charlesworth have become a rat run. [redacted] on a typical afternoon we had over... Read more

  • Kalah Ashdown

    How you can claim the A57 link will relieve congestion through Hollingworth and Tintwistle is laughable! Your decision to construct the A57 link, ignoring the needs, and health, of the people in the... Read more

  • Kathy Ford

    This longed for Bypass should go ahead, we have waited long enough, Houses were demolished to make way for this when I was at Primary School in the late 60's. The Transport Infrastuture simply cannot... Read more

  • Katie Javanaud

    I oppose the development of the Mottram bypass and find the proposal to be an affront to any environmentally conscientious individual. At a time when climate change is commanding the government's... Read more

  • Keith Buckley

    This road is urgently needed to improve living environment for residents along roads in Woolly Bridge.

  • Ken Thompson

    I believe that the improvements in air quality and traffic congestion make the proposed bypass a desirable solution

  • Kerry-Anne Berry

    Although I no longer live in the area affected by the horrendous traffic that this bypass would help to alleviate, I did for many years and know how badly this is needed. Residents that consistently... Read more

  • Kevin Hughes

    Mottram needs a bypass and Glossop needs a spur. Prior to the pandemic, my daily commute to Manchester was a nightmare, especially the evening return due to the congestion around Woolly Bridge and the... Read more

  • Kevin Ogden

    I support the process, this is urgently needed. I commute to MAN Airport and during rush hour this can take upto two hours. More than half of this time is getting out of Glossop.

  • Kim Clarke

    I support all works to address the traffic issues in and out of Glossop and building a bypass, particularly the full bypass. This cannot carry on, more and more homes and traffic but in thought of... Read more

  • Kim Price

    Currently Matram Moor and Glossop are gridlocked most days of the week with traffic leaving the motorways and heading through Glossop to access routes to Sheffield. The traffic standing still affects... Read more

  • Kimberley Jordan

    I fully support the bypass; it will open up job prospects (potentially bringing more money into our town) and significantly save time in our lives too! Us Glossop folk spend hours of our week just... Read more

  • Knut Hultmann

    It is absolute essential that the bypass is built sooner than later. This will improve life quality for the inhabitants in the area substantialy.

  • Kris Clayton

    I am in support of the scheme. I believe having looked at the plans it will make a huge positive difference to the lives of all residents & travellers in the local area. It will stop Broadbottom &... Read more

  • Kryssie Tedde

    A disgrace that this is taking so long - I’ve waited 30 years to get this far and now the Government is asking again if this road is needed. [redact]

  • Lawrence Flanagan

    Dirt and noise are excessive, it is like living on a traffic island, which in fact it is. People are moving out of the street more than usual. I have to block the road waiting to park in the drive,... Read more

  • Leigh Vincent

    I can not believe that the bypass is to be delayed, or even cancelled yet again. Look at other area around greater Manchester that have received bypasses with much less of a need. If only local... Read more