Back to list A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project

Representation by Jill Collins

Date submitted
3 August 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am concerned that route chosen at Rokeby will lead to increased traffic on the Sills, due to a 1.5 mile detour for Westbound traffic to Barnard Castle. This road is narrow and winding, with narrow pavements; two wagons can barely pass on it and the pavement is a popular route for pedestrians, who need to use the road in order to pass one another. The chosen route has no provision for walkers and cyclists wishing to cross the A66 at Rokeby, forcing them to use a 1.5 mile diversion to the junction. This will lead to cyclists using the A66 Eastbound and turning right at the Greta Bridge turn to avoid this diversion. This is a popular cycle route - [Redacted] The blue route leaves the junction where it is and avoids both these issues.