Back to list A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project

Representation by Stephen Hammersley

Date submitted
4 August 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am involved as a volunteer and funder of the community farm being established at Dyke Nook near Sandford. The plans as I understand them have not taken into account the views of local people that are also objectively true that the route with the least environmental impact lies further to the North, this route would also have the least negative impact on community life including on the community farm. It also seems to me that if the route persists greater focus is needed on mitigating actions on noise and redressing loss of woodland habitat. I am a stakeholder in the Dyke Nook Community Farm. The planned route will take sufficient of the community farm's land to seriously compromise its viability,. The is a route further North that would be significantly less intrusive to local people including the farm. I do not think that local people's representations have been appropriately considered. Specifically, the land to the north may be designated ANOB, but it is only the path of the road that created that boundary where it is.