Back to list A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project

Representation by Dr C Midcalf

Date submitted
6 August 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly object to your current proposals. I am still in favor of your original Blue route option.Your current proposal will not keep the current balance of traffic into Barnard Castle. Your proposals will increase traffic along the sills, which has a very narrow road and extremely narrow pedestrian footpath used by walkers and families living in the area who have to use it to gain access to their properties, and the town. The old County Bridge users would also be at risk, mothers and old people who have to cross an already very busy road, going through the sills,to access the bridge for daily schools and shopping. At present, parents with prams or pushchairs and/or accompanied by very young children holding their hand, have to cross the road and bridge with a very narrow footpath only on one side of the bridge, it is difficult for them to pass others without stepping into the road putting their lives at risk. I think your plans need serious revision and for you to put pressure on Historic England who have rejected your Rokeby option. I'm sure that it would be more economical to stay with original proposal for Rokeby. I'm sure you could find an alternative route to get round Historic England objection, if you are prepared to try and find it. Please listen to the people who live and work in the area who would be greatly affected by your proposals, it will affect their lives for years to come. Currently accidents on the A66 cause diversion of traffic through Startforth and the sills and causes serious congestion and traffic tail back, on a an extremely busy road, not only with Startforth residents traffic but also access traffic to the young offenders institute, and to newly built housing. If Durham County Council objected to this on safety issues and closed this option there would be serious traffic issues in using your proposals. Thank You Dr C & Mrs S Midcalf