Back to list A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project

Representation by Russ Thomas

Date submitted
9 August 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

(i) That all cycleways/footpath are joined together for continuity of journey.(ie Penrith to Brough) and access along length not on/off back lanes etc as this area is very unsafe in back roads due to reckless car driving including tractor/trailer, articulated trucks, buses etc I came from Bristol 15 years ago and felt safer on those city roads than here. Please consult with a LOCAL cycling club/organization. (ii) That consideration of increased traffic/congestion at Penrith end of A66 is considered. At moment, with no dualling in place, truck, holiday traffic etc is causing heavy congestion and queues at Kempley roundabout. Also major house building in area is increasing load on local roads with no change to small local infrastructure existing. Can a ring road be considered around back of town (Beacon Edge) to spread traffic between J40 and J41 (M6) and if landowner objects, then compulsory purchase land needed as you would anywhere else.