Back to list A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project

Representation by Transport for the North (Transport for the North)

Date submitted
23 August 2022
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

Transport for the North (TfN) is a Sub-national Transport Body (STB) with a statutory power to advise UK Government on the transport priorities for the North of England. Our advice reflects the views of our Members, bringing the region’s political and business leaders together to consider transport solutions which connect the economic assets across the North, both internally to create an economic mass, and also externally as part of a global marketplace. In February 2019 the published Strategic Transport Plan (STP) and Investment Programme. The STP is a vision-led, evidence-based statutory plan that has been subject to public consultation. It sets out TfN’s vision of: “A thriving North of England, where world class transport supports sustainable economic growth, excellent quality of life and improved opportunities for all.” Our Investment Programme identifies completion of the A66 dualling between junction 53 of the A1(M) at Scotch Corner and junction 40 of the M6 at Penrith as a scheme which we ‘consider is needed and should start on delivery before 2027.’ TfN supported the A66 dualling in our statutory advice to DfT on the RIS2 programme. Dualling the A66 will deliver improved strategic connectivity between Cumbria, Durham, North Yorkshire and the Tees Valley thereby supporting further economic growth across this part of the North. It will also provide a critical upgrade that will improve the reliability and resilience of long-distance freight movements. TfN therefore strongly supports plans to progress the A66 dualling and through ‘Project Speed’ bringing forward the planned completion of the scheme to 2029. In so doing it urges that the design of the improvement maximises provision for Active Travel modes throughout the project and that provision is made for the inclusion of the infrastructure supporting use of zero emission electric and hydrogen vehicles. It is critical that in taking forward the scheme into delivery the Department for Transport and National Highways continue to work with TfN and Local Transport Authorities so as to ensure a holistic view of the role of the Strategic Road Network in supporting an effective and integrated transport system, one that encompasses all travel modes using strategic and local networks. Such an approach is essential in order to ensure that the scheme makes a positive contribution towards providing better outcomes for transport users, the economy and the environment. TfN supports National Highways in its approach to engaging with stakeholders on the design of the A66 dualling and will leave detailed feedback on the local impact of the scheme proposals to local stakeholders, including the local authorities representing communities along the route. Aligned to the published statutory Strategic Transport Plan, key outcomes TfN expects to see from the A66 scheme are: • Improved safety, reliability and resilience of the A66 Scotch Corner to Penrith for all road users • Reliability and resilience benefits for traffic on the wider network, for example long distance freight movements. • Improved customer experience • Promoting and supporting Active Travel • Environmental mitigation and enhancements, and an exemplar approach to mitigation of potential detrimental environmental impacts. • Enhancements to the built environment, including historic buildings and monuments along the A66 corridor. • Opportunities for Socioeconomic Benefits TfN supports plans to complete the A66 dualling by 2029 and acknowledges the work National Highways is undertaking to be ready to deliver a 5-year construction programme. It is important that the Department for Transport (DfT) maintains support for the accelerated build programme, and that the DfT works with the three local authorities on the route to help ensure they have sufficient resource to meet the requirements of the Project Speed timetable.