Back to list A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project

Representation by Mrs J Astwood (Mrs J Astwood )

Date submitted
25 August 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing on behalf of Judith Astwood to provide her comments on the Stephen Bank to Carkin Moor proposal. Mrs Astwood owns (Reacted) which is currently rented out. The bungalow currently has direct access on to the A66 which will be significantly changed if the proposed works proceed. The current plans show that the new access route to Browson Bank will be from the east. To access the new A66, Mrs Astwood will need to travel east to the new junction at Mainsgill. This will be a distance of approximately 2.24 miles. Therefore, when travelling westwards she will have to travel approximately 4.5 miles further than she does currently. There will be additional fuel and time costs associated with this extra travel time. Mrs Astwood’s preference is for a new additional access road to be created onto the A66 from Browson Bank to travel west. From her perspective, there would be two options to facilitate this. The first of these, which is her preference, would be for a slip road to be created after the entrance to Browson Bank which allows traffic to access the A66 to travel west. Alternatively, a route could be made to join the access road to Browson Bank with the road at Smallways to the west so that that junction could be used. This new access onto the A66 would benefit Browson Bank Bungalow as well as any traffic heading west from the other properties at Browson Bank, Dick Scot Lane, Old Dunsa Bank, Waitlands Lane and West Layton. This is because, traffic from all these areas would not need to travel east back to Mainsgill in order to travel westwards. A further reason for an accessway to be created to travel west from Browson Bank Bungalow is that as currently designed, the access road will be a dead end. This will result in issues including: 1. The dead end is likely to attract unsociable behaviour at particular times of the year e.g. Appleby Fair and fly tipping during the year 2. The responsibility for ownership and therefore maintenance of the access road 3. There would need to be a suitable area for HGV’s to be able to turn around should they take a wrong turn 4. It may attract traffic trying to travel through Browson Bank southwards through the farm track. Which does happen when the A66 has delays