Back to list A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project

Representation by Cycling UK (Cycling UK)

Date submitted
25 August 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Cycling UK continues to have concerns over the provision of safe cycling infrastructure as part of the proposed route, in accordance with the submitted walking, cycling and horse riding proposals. i) We express concern over the widespread continued use of "Shared cycle/footway" provision (mainly along detrunked sections of the existing A66) rather than properly segregated infrastructure as recommended in LTN1/20. We also express concern that clear proposals for speed limit and traffic calming measures on these detrunked sections remain missing. ii) We express concern over the continued reluctance to secure full east-west connectivity for vulnerable road users. In particular, we express frustration that the scope of the scheme appears to have artificially limited itself to the provision of connectivity along those stretches of the route that are being dialled, without securing similar east-west connectivity along stretches of the route that have already been dualled. Retrofitting existing sections with safe provision must be seen as a vital part of the overall scheme in order to deliver the proposed goals - otherwise provision of cycle infrastructure only within the bounds of the new scheme is futile. We believe a full assessment of cycle provision covering the overall dualling scheme (including existing dualled sections rather than only new dualling proposals) is vital. iii) Particular attention is drawn to the gap in east-west walking/cycling/horseriding provision across Bowes Moor. This offers a significant gap in safe provision over an exposed area with no nearby alternative routes. We believe that the disused railway track across Bowes moor should be brought within the scheme as a restricted byway, in order to deliver a safe, traffic free alternative route for the full length of the overall scheme. We note in particular that the creation of a restricted byway here would allow horse drawn traffic to safely cross the moors on their way to the Appleby horse fair without need to access the dualled sections of the A66 as at present - which has resulted in fatal road traffic collisions in the past. We also express concern that although this proposal has been raised as part of the consultation, it has not been put forward for designated funding consideration (chapter 5) despite assurances that this would be considered. iv) We express further concern that no clear proposal has been identified for the location or design of a safe crossing of the A66 where it meets with the authorised proposals for the Pennine Bridleway National Trail Northern Extension (in the area of Coupland Beck). We believe that much greater thought, and engagement with natural England and other interested parties, needs to go into the development of this crossing point. Comparison is drawn with the extensive design and remediation works for the 'green bridge' proposed for the existing Cotswold Way National Trail, where it crosses the A417 as part of the 'air balloon' missing link works identified under Highways England project TR010056. See: