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Representation by HGV Action Group (HGV Action Group)

Date submitted
26 August 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The HGV Action Group are a local pressure group, who have campaigned over many years to try to ensure the safety of residents, the fabric of our ancient buildings and bridges, and our environment; all of which are endangered daily by traffic through Barnard Castle. We are well acquainted with the issues of our small local roads, and the interface with the major regional roads, such as the A66 and the A68. Our bridges in Teesdale are ancient, mostly single track and some with weight restrictions. The first modern bridge across the River Tees from its source is on the A1(M) just west of Darlington – the A66 runs south of the River Tees, and our major towns, cities and the A68 are to the north. The ancient market town of Barnard Castle is in a very vulnerable position for damage from traffic. Over the years, the HGV Action Group has engaged with the community, parish and County councils, hauliers and other groups such as cyclists – and now the A66 Liaison Group, convened by Highways England. We are extremely concerned about the decision of Highways England to opt for the ‘Black Route’ for the Rokeby Junction. The Black Route design will have a severe and permanent effect on our local road system. This proposed route will cause significant harm to lives in Teesdale and far beyond the corridor of the A66 route. One specific harm of particular concern to the HGV Action Group is that it will cause a change in traffic flow patterns, putting more vehicles along the unsuitable B6277, along a narrow section of country road which is used as a footpath, across the ancient, listed, single track County Bridge and up the steep, narrow Bank, passing numerous listed historic buildings and disturbing the environment of the river banks at Startforth. The Highways England decision to put forward the Black Route is against the advice and views of the majority of local people, including the A66 Liaison Group. The ‘Blue Route’ was discussed, and preferred by the community – but withdrawn even before the consultation. This is because of a single objecting voice from Heritage England concerning a very narrow section of land at Rokeby Park. Heritage England have not engaged with the community on this issue, nor have they taken a wider view of harms to the historic environment, which are demonstrable. Their stance of harm to the Rokeby designated park is outweighed by the harm to the residents of Startforth and Barnard Castle; the harm to the park is marginal but the harm to Barnard Castle and Startforth is severe. Highways England withdrew the Blue Route, despite there being further opportunities for mitigation against harms at Rokeby Park.