Back to list A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project

Representation by Mrs M F Chrisp

Date submitted
30 August 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Submission TR10062 MFC 30.8.2022 Regarding the dualling of the A66 from A! to M6. I must exceed the recommended 500 words, but I am commenting on 3 junctions. The existing A66 road is very dangerous, especially in the stretches of single carriageway; so I am in favour of the general proposal to provide dual carriageway for the full length of this road and to create overpasses which will avoid the need to cross carriageways at junctions. There have been too many serious collisions, deaths and injuries, so the improvements are essential. However, I am concerned about the proposed position of the new junctions at Rokeby/C165, and the signage at the new Cross Lanes /B6277 and Bowes/A67 junctions. These are the junctions nearest to my home, which I use and have person experience of as a driver and pedestrian. I am concerned that National Highways has not had sufficient regard to the impact of the proposed junctions on the existing road network. There are two bridges crossing the River Tees at Barnard Castle, The County Bridge on the A67, and Egglestone Abbey Bridge on the C165. Both are old, single width and served by 3-way traffic lights. The County Bridge has a 7.5 tonne HGV restriction, and neither bridge has adequate approach roads. I have examined the large volume of maps and information on display at Barnard Castle Library. I am dismayed, that National Highways has chosen the previously labelled “Black Route” for the Junction at Rokeby/C165. My own opinion and the vast amount of local opinion is in favour of the previously labelled “Blue Route” which is closer to the existing C165 turning. I am concerned that if the two new JUNCTIONS for C165 and B6277 ARE WILL BE CLOSE TOGETHER, and too much of the traffic which currently uses the Rokeby C165 route into Barnard Castle will be inclined to use the Cross Lanes B6277 route into Barnard Castle. Highways England has acknowledged this possibility previously. I know that HGVs will still be obliged to follow the C165. However, there are already too many HGVs which "make the mistake" of traveling over The County Bridge on the A67 at Barnard Castle, (and then seem to get away without prosecution, even when they cause all sorts of delays and blockages, and even physical damage to the Bridge and to buildings including the listed Buttermarket at the top of the narrow steep road The Bank). If there is a great increase in traffic using the B6277 from Cross Lanes, they will be travelling along unsuitable roads through Startforth and adding to the numbers of local vehicles waiting to pass through the 3-way traffic lights on The County Bridge and up The Bank, into the town. The Bank is the A67 but it is narrow and steep and is entirely unsuitable for large vehicles and the HGVs which are prohibited. The footpath on the B6277 at The Sills in Startforth opposite Gill Lane is very narrow even for a single pedestrian – and often pedestrians are caught in the danger zone between the stone parapet to the river and passing traffic, which often exceeds the 30 MPH limit. If the two junctions are close together, as in the Black Route, human nature may lead west bound drivers to believe that as they have gone so far beyond the old C165 turning, then they may as well approach Barnard Castle by the B6277. From a road map, strangers might reasonably assume the B6277, a B road, is preferable to the C165, a C road. The vagaries of modern Satnavs are likely add to the problems when they promote the B6277 route, rather than the C165. So I believe the best option is the previously labelled Blue Route. Regarding HERITAGE, I acknowledge that the Blue Route cuts through a small area of woodland. That woodland is well separated from the Registered Grade II* Park and Garden, Rokeby Park, by a very high stone wall and by the C165 road, so the impact on the amenity of the house and grounds will be deminimus. There will be ample land taken in the road scheme to enable the addition of appropriate new planting to extend the remaining woodland and make up for any loss. Much of the traffic approaching the C165 is coming from the east. This includes a significant amount of local traffic from the villages of Barningham, Newsham, Hutton Magna and others. If the Blue eastern most route is chosen, rather than the Black western most route, then every vehicle will cover less distance, use less fuel and cause less POLLUTION. I believe this is a significant point in favour of the Blue route, and will well outweigh the question of woodland amenity. LOCAL KNOWLEDGE AND OPINION is greatly in favour of the Blue route and even Rokeby Estates, which owns Rokeby Park and much of the land affected by either proposal at this junction, is in favour of the Blue route. Please National Highways take heed of the strong local opinion and knowledge, that the previously labelled Blue Route is best. I am in favour of the proposals for Junction at Cross Lanes/B6277. However it will be essential that new signage makes clear the HGV restrictions for the County Bridge, and also discourages LGVs and cars towing large caravans. I am in favour of the proposals for Junction at Bowes/A67. However It is likely that the improved junction at Bowes may lull drivers into the belief that the A67 from Bowes to Barnard Castle, and routes onward on the A67 to Darlington, and on the A67 & A688 to Bishop Auckland can take HGVs, LGVs and cars towing large caravans - but it will still not be able to because of the weight restriction on the County Bridge, and the steep narrow road, The Bank, into Barnard Castle. It will be very important to ensure that the NEW SIGNAGE AT ALL THE JUNCTIONS, and to/from all directions makes the weight limitations of The County Bridge clear, and encourages the majority of users to choose the Rokeby Junction.