Back to list A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project

Representation by Tess Coleman ( Tess Coleman )

Date submitted
31 August 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

(REDACTED) looks directly south across the A66. The proposed works to the A66 will have a significant visual, noise and vibration impact due to the increase in height and width and increased usage and speeds on the A66. The environmental works planned will not mitigate the visual and noise impact due to the topography of the land as it falls steeply south to the A66. The proposed new bridleway underpass to the north of Warrener Lane will have a visual impact on the surroundings and the cost of this is significant. It would be preferable to divert the existing route to tie in with other bridleways serving the area. There also safety concerns of a lifted-up section of road due to high winds and adverse weather conditions to an exposed section of the A66. It is understood that part of the reasoning behind the road being lifted, rather than going into a cutting, is due to the Scheduled Monument. Discussions have been had on site in respect of at what stage does preserving a monument that cannot be seen outweigh the significant impact on present design as listed above for the future. It is understood that further archaeological work is required to fully understand the exact location and extent of the monument and what it consists of in order to make a fully informed decision as to the design for this section of the scheme.