Back to list A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project

Representation by Alison Elaine Noble (Alison Elaine Noble)

Date submitted
1 September 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Interested Party and Affected Landowner No individual land plans have been provided to show the schedule and areas of land to be acquired. The affected property is the residential property and equestrian facility at(REDACTED) . The parties do not object to the A66 NTP Project in principle however we make the following representations: A Blight Notice was submitted on the advice of National Highways 16/03/22. The blight notice was refused by National Highways on the 12/05/22. Following rejection of the Blight Notice, National Highways then advised us to submit a Discretional Purchase application to purchase all of the land and property known as The Coach House, Skirsgill Lane, Eamont Bridge, Penrith, CA10 2BQ which was done on the 03/08/2022. For background, the At present, the facilities on offer at Happy Hooves are very unique with a state-of-the-art horse simulator, open stable block, classroom, vaulting barrels and fully equipped arena. Happy Hooves is also a fully certified British Horse Society (BHS) centre and Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) approved facility. The facility has also recently been approved by the Cumbria County Council as an alternative provision for Cumbria Schools. The other businesses which run from the property which belong to the parties are Alison Noble Dog grooming services (A long established business based at site for over 30yrs with a loyal customer base) and Eamont Competition horses (A business offering livery, equine breaking and schooling services). Another business which runs from the property is Molly Finney Hairdressing (currently Molly operates out of Coach House with a fully equipped salon in which Alison was instrumental in its feasibility as moly is part of her family). The riding/horsemanship sessions generally take place around the stable block, arena and fields directly adjacent to the existing A66. The proposed A66 improvements have identified the fields directly above the arena and stable block as a construction compound which will be used for storage of materials, spoil & gravels with heavy machinery operating daily. It is proposed that the construction phase will be up to 5 years and with disruption expected for the full duration. The ongoing use of the compound sites and access road to the proposed permanent balancing pond will create disturbance in perpetuity through the use of the works, long after the construction phase. The horses are very used to the constant background noise of the existing road, however they are not equipped for new or increased stimuli. Horses are a flight animal and with the location immediately adjacent to the large construction compounds and access to a permanent balancing pond, this will result in large machinery and heavy equipment creating extensive stimuli such as noise, visual, vibrations, smells and dust. Therefore, it is our opinion that due to the impending A66 project that the property will be unable to function as an equestrian facility on animal welfare grounds and safety grounds for 3rd parties who are attending the sessions on offer at The Coach House. The facility currently has a very wide customer profile with clients coming from different organisations and schools as well as private individuals. All of the programmes and sessions are tailored to the individual needs of the clients with the frequency of visits varying from 2-3 days per week, weekly, fortnightly or for a one-off block of time. The associates who benefit from these programmes are vast, however they include members of the Riding for the Disabled Association, Multiple Sclerosis Society, Mencap, Eden Carers, West Cumbria Learning centre, Carleton House and several youth groups and schools. Over many years my client has worked hard to develop a team of trained horses with all the qualities required for a wide range of activities. They have also trained and up-skilled staff as well as gained certificates and qualifications to provide so much more than just somewhere to ride a horse. The programmes offered at Happy Hooves provide stimulation and wellbeing for disadvantaged or disabled members of society. For some, the services provided at happy hooves are life changing and if they were no longer available at The Coach House, there is no other facility like this in the local area resulting in serious adverse effects. The current project proposals include several large construction compounds being located immediately adjacent to the property on Council owned land. In addition to this a permanent balancing pond with an access road will be located immediately adjacent to the Northwest corner of the property. Construction on the project is expected to start in January 2024 and due to the Coach House’ location at one of the main junctions of the scheme (Kempley Bank Roundabout), disruption and continuous disturbance is likely to affect the property for the whole construction period and in perpetuity through the use of the proposed works. The proposed road scheme will mean that my client is unable to continue with the operating of several businesses from this location, they will therefore be put into serious hardship as they will no longer be able to generate an income for them and their family. Mt client is unable to retire and does not wish to retire, they want to continue running their successful businesses going forward. We feel that the project threatens my client with significant financial hardship on several fronts as the road scheme will force them to cease the business operations. For the reasons detailed, we request that National Highways purchases the property and land which will enable my client to relocate the business to an alternative property in the local area. The whole process is causing my client to be quite unwell, we require to be updated on the Discretional Purchase application and urge National Highways for a swift acceptance and confirmation. For more details please refer to the Discretional Purchase Application.