Back to list A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project

Representation by Eden Rivers Trust (Eden Rivers Trust)

Date submitted
1 September 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Eden Rivers Trust (ERT) is the only conservation charity standing up for Eden’s rivers; changing the way they are protected, enhanced and used so that people and nature can thrive. We have been working directly with landowners, agencies and private companies to improve the management of the land and water in the Eden Catchment for over 25 years. ERT believes it is imperative that the route chosen for the A66 dualling should have no adverse impacts on the River Eden SAC/SSSI (the river, its geomorphology, associated habitat and wildlife); biodiversity net gain should be achieved and there should be an overall benefit to the river Eden included reduced flood risk to local communities through natural measures. We are concerned this is not currently the case, though it is difficult to discern due to the lack of detailed and specificity in some areas of the documents that still appear to be ‘draft’ and open to change despite design principles being agreed. We are particularly concerned about the route around Kirkby Thore where it crosses the Troutbeck catchment, we have been working on river related habitat improvement here for over 25 years. The northern route around Kirkby Thore chosen (from several early options) will be the most damaging for the river as it has the greatest impact on the Trout Beck floodplain which is an important catchment where ERT have worked on habitat improvements over the last 25 years. A river restoration project planned along this route by ERT with the landowners, has been ‘adopted’ as a mitigation measure, however the chosen route is longer and needs more materials for construction, more fuel will be used in cars, there will be more long term costs relating to maintenance, more lay down areas/compounds, overall impact will be huge e.g. loss of farmland bird habitat during construction phase. The proposed new river crossing is acknowledged as having the potential to adversely impact water quality in the River Eden SAC/SSSI, which is not acceptable. The discarded southern (orange) route option would have utilised the existing Trout Beck crossing so be less of an impact and provide further opportunities for improving biodiversity. In addition, impacts to Thacka Beck (NY 527292), the proposed new discharges to the River Eamont water quality, are also of concern. Creating (off route) floodplain meadow at Ormside Hall (NY707176) to offset biodiversity loss and provide additional flood storage should be considered. The scheme provides the ideal opportunity to reduce flood risk in Warcop using natural flood measures (to improve biodiversity) as well as the hard engineering solutions offered by HE so far. ERT, CCC, the EA and local landowners are already working on a scheme but interest from HE is low.