Back to list A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project

Representation by Sport England (Sport England )

Date submitted
1 September 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Summary: Sport England OBJECTS to the land take, temporary and permanent from playing field sites including: Ullswater Community College, Penrith. Loss of part of playing field to facilitate a slip road to the new Kemplay Bank Roundabout. It’s not certain if the red edged site includes permanent or temporary loss of playing field land. This site affects a rugby pitch and it’s not clear if ball stop fencing is proposed to prevent balls landing on the A66. Paragraph 13.7.12 refers to “Playing Field (Ullswater Playing Field): approximately 0.44ha of the field is located within the Order Limits, which is approximately 18.7% of the field”. From the scale of the project it is not clear precisely what the impacts will be permanent or temporary. Its not clear if the land within the Order limits will be planted with trees or if acces is needed for access during construction. If trees are planted on the playing field, playing field land will be lost without mitigation for loss Wetheriggs Country Park, Penrith. Paragraph 13.7.12 advises that “approximately 0.74 ha of this greenspace is located within the Order Limits, which is approximately 14.7% of the Park”. This part of the proposal involves loss of part of the playing field, where it is not clear what impact this would have on pitch drainage, pitch markings or pitch safety margins; nor is it clear what scale of tree planting is proposed along the A^^ boundary. Kirkby Thore Primary School. The documents refer to “Temporary land take of approximately 0.15ha, or 35%, of the schools outdoor playing field to facilitate a utility diversion. No alternative provisions will be provided during construction. The playing field will be reinstated to existing condition upon completion of the works.” Sport England is concerned about the scale of works, uncertain time period over which the playing field would be out of use with no mitigation for loss and is also concerned about the quality of reinstatement of the playing field. MOD Playing Field at Warcop. Paragraph 13.9.18 advises of “loss of the Ministry of Defence playing field and helipad. Relocation of them will be provided to the south of the scheme, located off Castlehill Road. This site is likely to include a parking area, pavilion and storage shed; however, the details are still to be confirmed with the Ministry of Defence. The replacement facilities will be fully operational before the closure of the existing provisions due to the potential use as an emergency services helipad.” Sport England made detailed comments and explained a likely objection about the replacement playing field and ancillary facilities and welcomes further consultation when the details are available. Any replacement would need to comply with the NPPF paragraph 99.