Back to list A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project

Representation by Mortham Estates (Mortham Estates )

Date submitted
2 September 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Submission on behalf of Mortham Estates Ltd & Womble bond Dickinson Trust Corp Ltd as Trustees of the RA Morritt 1962 Marriage Settlement and Trustees of the Rokeby 1991 Settlement We support the overall objective to upgrade and improve the A66 Single Carriageway known as Scheme 08 We support the proposed junction west of Cross Lanes but would like to see:- The B6277 pass east of Smithy and Ivy Cottages and to then turn south west towards the proposed overbridge to the Stang road south of the A66 The southbound turn off to Brignall for westbound traffic at Cross Lanes be maintained Cross Lanes Farmhouse repurposed by dismantling and rebuilding as existing at the far end of the paddock to the North of the existing location and accessed via the PMA opposite the Smithy and Ivy Cottages The retention of the existing east bound carriageway of the A66 as a PMA to enable agricultural traffic to enter opposite Smithy and Ivy Cottages and to run parallel with the proposed dual carriageway to connect Cross Lanes to Streetside and Rokeby Grange Farms, Rokeby Church (inc School Room and School House) and proposed Blue II interchange at Rokeby Park. We do not support the proposed junction west of Rokeby Church for the following reasons:- It will be intrusive and damaging to the setting and character of St Mary's Church (Grade II*) and harmful to the character and setting of Church Belt (part of the Rokeby RPG Grade II*) for the following reasons: 1. Rokeby Church is set on a mound at the highest and most westerly point of the RPG to act as a classical gateway to the designed landscape and the break point between this and the historic estate landscape beyond. The principal characteristic being the tightly defined route of the A66 along the east west grain with the land falling away to either side to the woodland belts running parallel beyond 2. The Black Route perpetuates HGV access passed St Mary's Church to C165 and requires traffic travelling from the East to access C165 by doubling back from the proposed junction location west of St Marys inevitably creating a tendency to continue to Cross Lanes to access the Town via Startforth and the narrow Sills and County Bridge/The Bank. This additional traffic will also impact upon other Estate property at Smithy & Ivy Cottages, Castle Farm (Grade II listed) and Thorsgill Farm. 3.The Black Route provides limited opportunity to alleviate noise and air pollution for the residents and users of St Marys Church, School House and School Room. 4. No proposal has been made to repurpose the Old Rectory - a building of low to medium historic interest (Arup's Report of 20/7/21) with the consequent risk of abandonment and dereliction (cf Grade II Crossroads Farmhouse at Bramham on the A64/A1 Junction) 5.The proposed southern (Local Access Road) LAR approach to the underpass west of St Mary's church is within close proximity to the Ancient Semi Natural Woodland (ANSW) known as Jack Wood 6.The Private Means of Access to Ewebank and Tutta Beck Farms are shown along the southern edge of the proposed dual carriageway whereas to facilitate less land take and more effective connectivity between the farms the PMA should be located along the northern fringe of Jack Wood (where there is an existing route) 7.No Farm Impact Assessments have been undertaken by National Highways. Notwithstanding the impact of the preferred Black route will be considerable as a consequence of land take for both the carriageways, balancing ponds and environmental mitigation rendering these two units uneconomic through the loss of critical mass, access, character and connectivity with the adjacent farms on the Estate. 8.The Balancing Ponds have been located without thought on appearance, landscape, access, discharge, management or impact upon the farm businesses involved. 9. The proposed location of the Rokeby junction west of St Mary's will be very visible from views towards the Church - most obviously for east bound A66 traffic but also users of the Westwick and A167 Darlington roads as well as from Brignall village and from the Public Rights of Way (particularly FP No 5&6 (Rokeby Parish) leading to FP No 3 (Brignall Parish) which connects the two communities) 1. The majority of planned discharge from the proposed balancing ponds is to be into Tutta Beck - with known Flood Risk Management issues at Tutta Bridge Cottages at Greta Bridge. (evidenced by recent alleviation works undertaken by Durham County Council with Environment Agency Local Levy funding) 2. The scheme does not address safety issue beyond the section limits - such as the PMA to the 150 acres of land north of Greta Bridge in the Estates ownership. 3. The Junction west of St Mary's Church will have an adverse visual and environmental impact upon Rokeby Grange and Cottage 4. The intended snatched and glimpsed views of Rokeby Hall and Park will be lost to road users with the accompanying loss of understanding and interpretation of the historic landscape both within the park and beyond. We will promote our Blue II proposal at DCO stage as we and our advisors believe that this will address the principal grounds of objection to National Highways preferred Black Route and the intended junction location west of St Mary's church "The Blue II Option will bring about less than substantial residual harm on the RPG and will provide more advantages and fewer negative aspects when compared with the other options under consideration" (Southern Green Report Nov 21) 5. We object to the proposed cycle track to pass south of Rokeby Grove and the Tack Room Cottage 6. We reserve the right to add to, change and amend these objections WHTS 2/9/22