Back to list A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project

Representation by Cumbria Constabulary (Cumbria Constabulary)

Date submitted
2 September 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

OUR REF: CUMBRIA CONSTABULARY AND POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER FOR CUMBRIA YOUR REF TR010062. A66 Northern Trans-Pennine project PLANNING ACT 2008 SECTION 56: NOTIFYING PERSONS OF ACCEPTED APPLICATION THE INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING (APPLICATIONS: PRESCRIBED FORMS AND PROCEDURE) REGULATIONS 2009: REGULATION 8 THE INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING (ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT) REGULATIONS 2017: REGULATION 16 We write in response to the above proposed development and your letter of 27th July 2022. We object to your proposal around the development consent order (DCO) and compulsory purchase order (CPO) effecting the police headquarters site at Carleton Hall, Penrith , Cumbria, CA10 2AU. We are opposed to both extent of the DCO and any compulsory purchase of the Police and Crime Commissioners land to the east of the headquarters complex. We object on the grounds that the proposal will impact on operational policing undertaken from the site. The subject land is held for future development, recognising the sites strategic importance within the police estate. Given the importance of the site and inevitable growth we are strongly opposed to loosing this area and believe it could have a significant impact on how we effectively deliver our services to the people of Cumbria. Throughout the design stage we have actively engaged with members of the NTP design team and provided you with an overview of the functions provided from this site. We do not consider the current proposals adequately address the concerns we have raised. The latest proposal has the potential to close the door to any growth of the headquarters site and limit our ability to adapt to meet future operational needs. In the wider context it has the potential to impact on the viability of the current site. There remains a lack of clarity around the impact and buildability of the road. We have repeatedly asked for detail so we can assess the impact of this on our site. We have had little to no detail on the construction phase including the buildability, the impact to our day-to-day operations, maintenance of critical services and how traffic flows will be maintained. We remain committed to work with the design team to find solutions for all parties. Our response should be read in conjunction with that of our partners at Cumbria County Council and Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service.