Back to list A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project

Representation by Trustees of Morbaine Ltd Directors Pension Scheme (Trustees of Morbaine Ltd Directors Pension Scheme)

Date submitted
2 September 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My client has no objection to the scheme in principle, but they are concerned with a small element of the proposed ‘Environmental Mitigation’ which will impact on their current landholding and, more importantly, the future business operation of their tenants. My client currently owns the existing B&M Homestore and former KFC drive-thru unit which are accessed off the Kemplay Bank roundabout and the A6 (Bridge Lane) in Penrith. The location of the former KFC unit (which has recently been re-let to Tim Hortons for a coffee drive thru unit), seeks to take advantage of passing trade using the Kemplay Bank roundabout and Bridge Lane (A6). Whilst the unit’s visibility on to Bridge Lane will be largely unaffected by the proposed scheme, it would appear that environmental mitigation measures that are planned on part of my client’s land will involve the creation of a small woodland area fronting the roundabout. The planting of additional trees in this location would create a significant screen which would obscure any view of the new Tim Horton’s drive-thru unit from the roundabout - thereby impacting on the ability to attract passing trade. Once the scheme is implemented, there will have already been a major impact created by removing an element of passing trade - as cars heading east will now go under the Kemplay Bank roundabout rather than going around it. This appears to have been one of the reasons that influenced KFC not to renew their lease at my client’s unit in Penrith. Notwithstanding that, my client would not like to see this impact compounded by the fact that the new occupiers of the former KFC (Tim Hortons) would be obscured from the existing junction by the planting of new trees or woodland. We understand the need to provide additional planting to help create a bio-diversity net gain. However, we believe that there are more suitable locations that could be selected for the planting of additional trees which would have less of an impact on new and existing businesses. My client has no issue with their identified land being used for low level planting including grassland and shrubs so long as there is no impact on the visibility of the Tim Horton’s unit. This issue was discussed with National Highways on the 14th of June 2022. From the minutes that were recorded, National Highways agreed to take this up with the Environmental Team dealing with the proposal. As of yet, we have had no feedback from our meeting on the 14th of June. Furthermore, my client is also unclear as to why the bus stop on Bridge Lane is included within the red line (and the proposed compulsory purchase). It is not clear if it is the intention to remove the existing bus stop on Bridge Lane (as part of the scheme) which again would be a major issue impacting on the accessibility of the Home Bargain’s unit. This was also raised with National Highways but we have yet to receive a response.