Back to list A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project

Representation by Corinne Cooke

Date submitted
30 August 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am in favour of dualling the remaining single carriageways of the A66 from Scotch Corner to Penrith, but the objections and concerns in this document relate to the junctions for Barnard Castle at Rokeby and Cross Lanes. I fully support the position documented by the Barnard Castle Town Clerk, Martin Clark, in his submission (BCTC Rokeby Response.pdf). Issue 1: MAJOR CONCERN. Pedestrian Safety and Concealed Entrances in Startforth Highways England have produced projected figures which show that the chosen Black Route will cause a significant increase in traffic volumes for Church Bank and The Sills in Startforth, whereas an alternative option (Blue Route), left traffic volumes much the same, increasing only at the normal annual rate.      Church Bank and The Sills, Startforth: this is a winding stretch of narrow road which is not designed for large traffic volumes or heavy vehicles. It has a number of concealed entrances (affecting a large number of properties) and is crossed by busy public rights of way. A significant increase in traffic volumes would render this road unsafe for the increasing number of pedestrians (locals and tourists, many with small children).      The considerable increase in traffic on this road would result in the requirement for more frequent repair work on a difficult to maintain road, and an increase in tailbacks at the at the bridge traffic lights (a problematic junction) causing further disruption and air pollution. The problems affecting village B-roads need to be included and addressed as part of the scope of the project, with acceptable solutions offered during the planning stage. Issue 2: Historic Value It is acknowledged by Highways England (Statutory Consultation Autumn 2021, Page 87) that Historic England's preference for the chosen route is totally at odds with local public opinion.       Fragmentation of Rokeby Estate: The site has already been fragmented.       Historic Lodge Views: These are currently compromised by mature trees. ?     Consideration of all affected local Historic Sites Issue3: Disruption during the A66 Construction The Highways England figures, (Statutory Consultation Autumn 2021, Page 84) showing the number of households which would suffer disruption during the construction process, is significantly greater for the chosen Black route than the discarded Blue route. The net benefit, however, is much the same as it would be if the Blue route had been chosen. Issue 4: Environment: With regard to the whole of the project, it is accepted by all, that if we wish the A66 to be a safer, less congested road, then it will be at the expense of the environment. Highways can mitigate as much as it is able, but environmental recovery takes many years. I hope that it is within the remit of this inspectorate to seek out and reduce any unnecessary destruction of the environment. Issue 5: Cost It would seem that the comment on cost mentioned in the Statutory Consultation Autumn 2021, Page 87 comparison, is not inclusive of consequential local work.