Back to list A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project

Representation by Francis Nicholson

Date submitted
3 September 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the A66 Project. I own a property in Kirkby Thore. Due to the siting of the junction at the north of the village, Kirkby Thore will become a rat run for traffic seeking to divert to the old A66. Kirkby Thore already suffers from A66 streaming through the village. Whenever there is an accident traffic will spill into the village. Currently they come along back roads and it is predominantly cars as HGVs recognise they would get stuck. However siting a junction at the north of the village within eyeline of what would become the old A66 means HGV will will also be able to divert through the village whenever there is an accident. NH have been asked to consider this but state there really isn’t a solution. Their lead designer has recognised the problem but cannot give a solution. It is clear that in the event of accidents traffic will be diverted through Kirkby Thore which will become a regular event. The suggestion that accidents will be reduced by the building of a dual carriageway is not backed up by the statistics. Several of the A66 accidents happen on the sections already dialled. There are no current plan to upgrade the existing dialled sections which are amongst the most dangerous due to the number of access points straight unto a 70mph road. The southern option around Kirkby Thore would not have turned Kirkby Thore village into a rat-run. NH have been aware of this problem for 2 years but have not acknowledged it in any of the information produced and have not shared this risk with householders in the village. Kirkby Thore is one of only two villages impacted by this project yet no public meeting has been held to allow villagers to share concerns. NH has purposefully avoided holding a meeting despite requests from the Parish Council to control information. The introduction of a rat run through the village has not been assessed in terms of how it will increase residents exposure to air and noise pollution. NH acknowledge that more than 200 properties will be adversely impacted by noise, light and air pollution but have not included within any assessment the impact of pollution to properties on Main Street. These home, several of which are occupied by elderly people will now be exposed to pollution generated by extra traffic cutting through the village and the risk presented by HGV’s and diverting traffic. NH should be required to re-do it traffic assessment and share this information with the village .