Back to list A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project

Representation by Mrs S Strong (Mrs S Strong)

Date submitted
4 September 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Mrs Strong is the owner/occupier of (REDACTED). The project will cut the farm into 2 sections which will be accessed via an underpass. The land take plans currently issued show excessive areas of land being taken (more than 10% of the farm). We have requested detailed plans showing what land is to be taken permanently and temporarily and also if there are to be any future management restrictions on land that is to be handed back. Information such as this is critical and has not been supplied in sufficient detail. The road scheme is to be built in a flood plain and has been designed to reduce the impact on the flood plain. However we are concerned that the outfall under the railway line to the south is not large enough to cope with additional drainage water. Current proposals for attenuation ponds etc do not fully satisfy Mrs Strong. Further measures to prevent flooding of her farmhouse need to be put in place. To summarise, potential flooding and excessive land take are the basis of objections. If we are given more information on both issues Mrs Strong may well be able to withdraw any objections.