Back to list A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project

Representation by Nicola Renison

Date submitted
4 September 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to set out my objection to the A66 proposal. I am most concerned about the Temple Sowerby - Appleby section. I particularly object to the agricultural land take this road will result in at a time when maintaining the country’s ability to produce its own food is crucial. As a Farmer currently adopting regenerative principals, the role of land in carbon capture is only just becoming fully understood. Does the carbon analysis completed by NH fully account for the loss of soil in future carbon analysis. Regenerative farming and carbon neutral food is increasingly popular. I am a Partner in a farming enterprise called Carbon Calling. We focus on how soil can be used to reduce carbon in agriculture. Sleastonhow Farm is our host farm. It is severely impacted by the proposed Kirkby Thore northern route. The road would result in our host farm , Sleastonhow Farm, losing our demonstration fields which have been host to several educational days. Mature hedgerow, tree planting and flood management options will all be lost in addition to agricultural food production. Sleastonhow Farm is unique in the Kirkby Thore area as it is no longer a dairy farm and it has been managed to benefit nature. As Sleastonhow farm is within a European SAC that is a major benefit and it has been consistently working with other environmental agencies such as the EDen River Trust and Countryside Stewardship projects for several years . This is exactly the sort of land management we should be protecting. Allowing the road to run parcelled to the Troutbeck SAC is a concern for the Eden Rivers Trust who strongly opposed the selection of the NorthernRoute . N02 emmissions from HGVs is an increasing concern for air pollution and within the Troutbeck SAC there is the additional concern that when combined with rain it will create nitric acid which will run off into the the Troutbeck . What assessment of the impact of Nitric acid on the Troutbeck has been completed? In March 2022 Natural England issued a Nutrient Nutriality Notification to Eden District Council, as many parts of the Eden Area fall within European protection. This includes the Eden River which is severely polluted due to agricultural run off. Development in the area is paused which is having a major impact of householders who are trying to achieve planning permission on even small project such as an extension. Why is the same consideration of nut irritation of the Eden River not being given to the additional impact of additional vehicle use, siting compounds and the impact of run of in the Troutbeck SAC from the proposed A66 . The Planning Inspectorate must have more information on nutrification of the SAC. Electric vehicles are not going to be a solution as most emissions come from HGV. Currently traffic passes through the Kirkby Thore section of the A66 at 40 MPH. Rather than speed up the road and increase traffic in this SAC, the Status Quo should prevail and the speed restriction should be extended.