Back to list A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project

Representation by Nina Caygill

Date submitted
4 September 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am a local resident and object to the A66 dualling in particular the Temple Sowerby - Appleby section which I fear will have a detrimental impact on the North Pennine AONB. The physical boundary created by the Eden River means that between Penrith and Temple Sowerby there is no possibility for traffic from the A66 to filter unto local roads when there is an incident on the A66. This is increasingly an issue and causes real risk to users of the fellside roads in particular runners, cyclist and horse rider. The introduction of a further junction north of the existing A66 at Kirkby Thore will inevitable lead to traffic spilling unto these roads within the AONB which will change the character of the villages and interrupt the tranquility of these traditional village. The introduction of a major trunk road into the the setting of the AONB by the choice to bring the road out of its existing channel at Kirkby Thore is inexcusable. I understand that NH have consistently failed to consult with Friends of the Lake District who are the charity responsible for landscape. I seem that Natural England, who I understand are the Statutory body tasked with representing the public on landscape issues have nto given any response on this issue despite teh acknowledgement that there will be a severely adverse impact on landscape in the Kirkby Thore area. The approach seems utterly inconsistent with the approach taken by NH at Warcop where the AONB seems to be untouchable. Given that recreational use of the AONB is greater in the Kirkby Thore area due its accessibility for visitors to Centre Parcs and the presence of local communities, surely preserving the character and integrity of the landscape in this area is eqully important. It cannot be acceptable to ignore landscape in the setting of an AONB and the Lake District World Heritage Site in this way. Landscape issues need proper examination.