Back to list A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project

Representation by Louis Martin (Louis Martin)

Date submitted
4 September 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a campaigner for divestment from fossil fuels, I am horrified by the number of extra roads , junctions and other blots on the landscape involved in this scheme. My grandparents who are in their nineties live very near the proposed Langrigg Junction and I am very concerned about their health and wellbeing, both during and after the road works. The Junction is a total change from the preferred route of spring 2020, and local residents in the Langrigg area have never been given the choice of the northern route recommended by local parish councils and the MP, nor of upgrading the single carriageway. Consultation with my grandparents who are not computer literate has been very poor Indeed, an extra bit of road was added after consultation rather than improvements which had been asked for by the parish council chairs. On environmental grounds, the scheme will destroy beautiful landscape, increase carbon emissions and greatly increase air and noise pollution. There is no guarantee that safety will be improved and value for money is poor. There is little enough unspoiled landscape in the UK without ruining what is left. This cottage was being left to future generations of our family, yet the environment which makes it so special may be destroyed for no good reason. We are living in a climate emergency and this scheme is completely inappropriate.