View examination library (PDF, 2MB) containing document reference numbers
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 19.3.1 Summary of Stakeholder Scoping Responses -Agricultural Land Use and Recreation
(PDF, 658KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 19.8.1 Public Rights of Way Management Strategy
(PDF, 7MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 11.9.4 Water Quality De-Icer Impact Assessment
(PDF, 2MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.1 Environmental Statement - Chapter 4 Existing Site and Operation
(PDF, 457KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 5.4.2 Carbon Action Plan
(PDF, 1MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 7.3.2 Summary of Stakeholder PEIR and Updated PEI Responses - Historic Environment
(PDF, 615KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.1 Environmental Statement - Chapter 10 Geology and Ground Conditions
(PDF, 831KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.6.4 CONFIDENTIAL Badger Survey
(PDF, 79KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.2 Environmental Statement - Cumulative Effects and Inter-Relationships Figures
(PDF, 32MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.2 Environmental Statement - Landscape, Townscape and Visual Resources Figures - Part 1
(PDF, 67MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.6.1 County Landscape Character Assessments
(PDF, 516KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 11.2.1 Summary of Local Planning Policy - Water Environment
(PDF, 535KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 1.8.1 Statement of Expertise
(PDF, 508KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 5.3.2 Code of Construction Practice Annex 1 - Water Management Plan
(PDF, 446KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.6.3 Bat Trapping and Radio Tracking Surveys - Part 2
(PDF, 39MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.2 Environmental Statement - Noise and Vibration Figures - Part 3
(PDF, 45MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 15.3.2 Summary of Stakeholder PEIR Response - Climate Change
(PDF, 508KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.3.2 Summary of PEIR Responses - Ecology
(PDF, 840KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.6.2 Ecology Survey Report - Part 2
(PDF, 49MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.6.2 Ecology Survey Report - Part 6
(PDF, 40MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 12.9.2 Rail Passenger Flows
(PDF, 4MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.1 Environmental Statement - Chapter 3 Alternatives Considered
(PDF, 656KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.8.1 Outline Landscape and Ecology Management Plan - Part 1
(PDF, 43MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.9.1 Summary of Effects at Representative Viewpoints
(PDF, 490KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.1 Environmental Statement - Chapter 21 Summary of Effects
(PDF, 538KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 16.9.1 Assessment of Construction Greenhouse Gas Emissions
(PDF, 504KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 14.3.1 Summary of Stakeholder Scoping Responses - Noise and Vibration
(PDF, 703KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 11.9.7 Wastewater Assessment
(PDF, 1MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.2 Environmental Statement - Ecology and Nature Conservation Figures
(PDF, 10MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 17.8.1 Employment, Skills and Business Strategy
(PDF, 776KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 10.3.1 Summary of Stakeholder Scoping Responses - Geology and Ground Conditions
(PDF, 520KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.6.2 Ecology Survey Report - Part 1
(PDF, 24MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
7.4 Transport Assessment Annex D - Station and Shuttle Legion Modelling Report
(PDF, 12MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
4.9.1 Traffic Regulation Plans - Speed Limits - For Approval
(PDF, 21MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 20.4.1 Cumulative Effects Assessment Long and Short List
(PDF, 2MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
7.5 List of Other Consents and Licences
(PDF, 213KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 15.8.1 Climate Change Resilience Assessment
(PDF, 651KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 19.6.3 Part B 2022 Recreational User Survey
(PDF, 13MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 13.9.1 Air Quality Results Tables and Figures - Part 2
(PDF, 11MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 10.9.2 Mineral Resource Assessment
(PDF, 10MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
7.4 Transport Assessment Annex C - VISSIM Forecasting Report
(PDF, 12MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.1 Environmental Statement - Chapter 12 Traffic and Transport
(PDF, 7MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.1 Environmental Statement - Chapter 15 Climate Change
(PDF, 1MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.6.1 Ecological Desk Study
(PDF, 31MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 4.3.1 Forecast Data Book
(PDF, 4MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 12.3.1 Summary of Stakeholder Scoping Responses - Traffic and Transport
(PDF, 859KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 14.3.2 Summary of PEIR and Updated PEI Responses - Noise and Vibration
(PDF, 469KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 18.8.1 Quantitative Health Assessment Results
(PDF, 691KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 13.9.1 Air Quality Results Tables and Figures - Part 5
(PDF, 6MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
2.1 Draft Development Consent Order
(PDF, 2MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.1 Environmental Statement - Chapter 8 Landscape, Townscape and Visual Resources
(PDF, 2MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 7.6.1 Historic Environment Baseline Report
(PDF, 22MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 5.3.1 Buildability Report - Part B - Part 1
(PDF, 49MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 7.3.1: Summary of Stakeholder Scoping Responses – Historic Environment
(PDF, 594KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 13.6.2 Air Quality Receptors
(PDF, 2MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 13.9.1 Air Quality Results Tables and Figures - Part 3
(PDF, 650KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.2 Environmental Statement - Climate Change Figures
(PDF, 6MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.2.2 Summary of Local Planning Policy - Ecology and Nature Conservation
(PDF, 610KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 11.9.3 Water Quality HEWRAT Assessment
(PDF, 647KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
3.2 Statement of Reasons
(PDF, 2MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 19.6.3 Part A 2019 Recreational User Survey
(PDF, 917KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.2.1 Summary of Local Planning Policy Landscape, Townscape and Visual Resources
(PDF, 599KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.8.1 Outline Landscape and Ecology Management Plan - Part 4
(PDF, 23MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.1 Environmental Statement - Chapter 9 Ecology and Nature Conservation
(PDF, 2MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.2 Environmental Statement - Air Quality Figures - Part 5
(PDF, 3MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.2 Environmental Statement - Alternatives Considered Figures
(PDF, 28MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 5.3.1 Buildability Report - Part A
(PDF, 6MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 7.6.2 Archaeological Evaluation Report - Gatwick Airport
(PDF, 17MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 7.6.4 Geotechnical Data Review.pdf
(PDF, 10MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 5.3.2 Code of Construction Practice
(PDF, 796KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 5.4.1 Surface Access Commitments
(PDF, 367KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 6.2.2 Scoping Opinion
(PDF, 18MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 14.9.10 Noise Insulation Scheme
(PDF, 581KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 17.9.2 Local Economic Impact Assessment
(PDF, 2MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 18.5.2 Health and Wellbeing Baseline Data Tables
(PDF, 668KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.2 Environmental Statement - Noise and Vibration Figures - Part 2
(PDF, 25MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 15.5.1 Sensitivity Analysis - Climate Extremes
(PDF, 2MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.1 Environmental Statement - Chapter 19 Agricultural Land Use and Recreation
(PDF, 755KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 18.5.1 Health Baseline Trends, Priorities and Vulnerable Groups
(PDF, 615KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 19.2.1 Summary of Local Planning Policy – Agricultural Land Use and Recreation
(PDF, 576KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 11.9.2 Water Framework Directive Compliance Assessment
(PDF, 5MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 11.9.6 Flood Risk Assessment - Annexes 1-2
(PDF, 8MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 13.4.1 Air Quality Assessment Methodology
(PDF, 1MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
4.1 Location Plan - Not For Approval
(PDF, 2MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 5.2.2 Operational Lighting Framework
(PDF, 11MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 5.3.1 Buildability Report - Part B - Part 2
(PDF, 51MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
7.1 Planning Statement Appendix B - Planning Policy Plan
(PDF, 6MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
4.7 Parameter Plans - For Approval
(PDF, 25MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.2 Environmental Statement - Introduction Figures
(PDF, 11MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.2 Environmental Statement - Noise and Vibration Figures - Part 1
(PDF, 36MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.6.2 Additional Candidate Viewpoint Photography
(PDF, 30MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
7.3 Design and Access Statement - Volume 3
(PDF, 43MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.1 Environmental Statement - Chapter 6 Approach to Environmental Assessment
(PDF, 438KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.6.2 Ecology Survey Report - Part 7
(PDF, 47MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 11.3.1 Summary of Stakeholder Scoping Responses - Water Environment
(PDF, 507KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 11.9.6 Flood Risk Assessment - Annexes 3-6
(PDF, 32MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.1 Environmental Statement - Chapter 1 Introduction
(PDF, 457KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 6.2.1 Scoping Report - Part 1
(PDF, 3MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.8.1 Outline Landscape and Ecology Management Plan - Part 3
(PDF, 48MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 6.2.5 Transboundary Screening Matrix
(PDF, 542KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited