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Increased Opportunity
There are several reasons why this proposal is unacceptable : 1. There is a climate emergency and an extra flights should be banned. 2. There is enough noise pollution affecting our rural village...
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I am completely opposed to any expansion of Gatwick airport for the following reasons: - At a time when we as a country are seeking to be a global leader in the reduction of greenhouse emissions and...
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This is a clear and blatant attempt to expand capacity at Gatwick Airport without going through the statutory planning reviews and procedures. This is a way of gaming the system to get a second runway...
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The project should go ahead to alleviate the capacity issue in the south east
If this is approved our lives will inevitably be affected - more fine particulates on our air affecting our health, 24/7 noise from concentrated runway use as the plan looks to fly the planes directly...
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The noise will be increased to what is stated by LGW is understated. I moved to Smallfield in 2011 & understood the current airport operations with one runway. With the addition increase in flights &...
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Cannot believe Gatwick is really in need of more money when they should be advocating reducing pollution and protecting the environment.
We are supposed to be going greener. Yet you want more air craft in the sky, more pollution, more noise. Plus's Mors cars in this small area all trying to get to the air port
I'm very happy for Gatwick Airport to start using a second Runway.
The airport, post Covid, has not yet returned to its previous operational capacity. I would like to know (a) when Gatwick is projected to return to that level and (b) when Gatwick are expecting the...
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This has been going on so long just let Gatwick get on and do it. More and more people want to fly and be able to do it without too much congestion. A project like this will create employment and...
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Objection to building a second runway at Gatwick
The noise, the pollution and the (scary) impacts on climate change mean that the airport should shrink, not expand.
I fully support the Gatwick Airport and the growth it requires. This would benefit the community for additional work for locals and the area, bringing more tourists into the area and beyond
We have lived under the blight of a 2nd runway since 2009 when we were told that our property would be incorporated into the proposed scheme, effectively being compulsorily purchased. However, after...
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There should be no airport expansion anywhere, we are facing climate breakdown and flying is one of the worst offenders in terms of fossil fuel and there is no credible alternative despite the...
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Gatwick Diamond Business is a not-for-profit membership organisation with London Gatwick Airport at the heart of our region. We've been in existence for almost 70 years, supporting local businesses...
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Gatwick is a key economic driver in the region and a second runway is overdue!! Stop delaying and crack on with the job.
I am 100% for this application
I think this is a great benefit to the local economy with careful consideration having been taking to minimise environmental impact.
Low flying, increased noise pollution, poor infrastructure, lack of transport, increased pollution generally, lack of housing, a poorer quality of life. Noise, not enough infrastructure, not enough...
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The airport is currently struggling to run 1 Runway with any efficiency. It cannot handle another one. This is not due to capacity. It appears mainly to be employment issues e.g: There is not enough...
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I live in Maidenbower, which is situated approx midpoint and south of Gatwick airports existing main runway. I have lived here for approx 20 years. 1) Noise, yes a/c are quieter but the ever...
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We have to look at the future needs how we can improve ourselves with competitive world Firstly Employment oppertunity DEVELOPMENT NEW INFRASTRUCTURE GROWTH THESE ARE ALL INTERCONNECTED Love...
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