View examination library (PDF, 2MB) containing document reference numbers
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 14.9.7 The Noise Envelope
(PDF, 671KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 15.2.1 Summary of Local Planning Policy - Climate Change
(PDF, 570KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
2.2 Explanatory Memorandum to the Draft Development Consent Order
(PDF, 562KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.6.2 Ecology Survey Report - Part 4
(PDF, 42MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
4.4 Special Category Land Plans - For Approval
(PDF, 3MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.2 Environmental Statement - Historic Environment Figures
(PDF, 15MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.2 Environmental Statement - Socio-Economic Effects Figures
(PDF, 42MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 13.8.1 Air Quality Construction Period Mitigation
(PDF, 479KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 13.3.2 Summary of Stakeholder Consultation Responses -Air Quality
(PDF, 894KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 13.9.1 Air Quality Results Tables and Figures - Part 1
(PDF, 2MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 13.9.1 Air Quality Results Tables and Figures - Part 6
(PDF, 6MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 14.9.4 Road Traffic Noise Modelling
(PDF, 14MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.2 Environmental Statement - Air Quality Figures - Part 2
(PDF, 43MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.3.1 Summary of Stakeholder Scoping Responses - Landscape, Townscape and Visual Resources
(PDF, 537KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.8.1 Outline Landscape and Ecology Management Plan - Part 2
(PDF, 11MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.2 Environmental Statement - Air Quality Figures - Part 1
(PDF, 25MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.1 Environmental Statement - Chapter 17 Socio-Economic
(PDF, 1MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.1 Environmental Statement - Chapter 20 Cumulative Effects and Inter-Relationships
(PDF, 849KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 16.9.4 Assessment of Aviation Greenhouse Gas Emissions
(PDF, 677KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 18.3.1 Summary of Stakeholder Scoping Responses - Health and Wellbeing
(PDF, 581KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 13.9.1 Air Quality Results Tables and Figures - Part 4
(PDF, 6MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
4.3 Crown Land Plans - For Approval
(PDF, 12MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.2 Environmental Statement - Traffic and Transport Figures
(PDF, 9MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 17.3.1 Summary of PEIR Responses for Socio-Economics
(PDF, 944KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 13.3.1 Summary of Stakeholder Scoping Responses - Air Quality
(PDF, 652KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.4.1 Landscape, Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment Methodology
(PDF, 576KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 10.9.1 Preliminary Risk Assessment
(PDF, 14MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.2 Environmental Statement - Geology and Ground Conditions Figures
(PDF, 14MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.2 Environmental Statement - Landscape, Townscape and Visual Resources Figures - Part 3
(PDF, 140MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 6.2.4 Schedule 4 Requirements of the Infrastructure Planning Regulations - Location within Environmental Statement
(PDF, 642KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 7.8.1 Written Scheme of Investigation for post-consent Archaeological Investigations - Surrey
(PDF, 15MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.1 Environmental Statement - Chapter 5 Project Description
(PDF, 653KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.2 Environmental Statement - Project Description Figures
(PDF, 24MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 15.3.1 Summary of Stakeholder Scoping Responses - Climate Change
(PDF, 529KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 16.9.2 Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Airport Buildings and Ground Operations (ABAGO)
(PDF, 598KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 17.2.1 Summary of Local Plan Policies - Socio-Economics
(PDF, 647KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 19.6.2 Soil Survey Results
(PDF, 544KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.9.1 Habitat Regulations Assessment Report - Part 2
(PDF, 51MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
7.4 Transport Assessment Annex A - Figures
(PDF, 11MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
7.4 Transport Assessment Annex E - Highway Junction Review
(PDF, 11MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 5.3.3 Indicative Construction Sequencing
(PDF, 542KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 5.3.2 Code of Construction Practice Annex 2 - Outline Construction Workforce Travel Plan
(PDF, 821KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 5.3.4 Major Accidents and Disasters
(PDF, 1MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 13.6.1 Air Quality Data and Model Verification
(PDF, 3MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 14.9.9 Report on Engagement on the Noise Envelope
(PDF, 15MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.2 Environmental Statement - Air Quality Figures - Part 3
(PDF, 19MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 16.3.1 Summary of Stakeholder Scoping Responses -Greenhouse Gases
(PDF, 527KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 17.9.3 Assessment of Population and Housing Effects
(PDF, 7MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 11.9.5 Groundwater Assessment
(PDF, 557KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.6.3 CPRE Tranquillity Mapping
(PDF, 3MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 14.9.3 Ground Noise Modelling
(PDF, 4MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.4 Environmental Statement - Non-Technical Summary
(PDF, 18MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 6.2.1 Scoping Report - Part 3
(PDF, 8MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 6.2.3 Scoping Responses and Location in ES
(PDF, 581KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
4.8.1 Surface Access Highways Plans - General Arrangements - For Approval
(PDF, 15MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 15.5.2 Urban Heat Island Assessment
(PDF, 979KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 17.6.1 Socio-Economic Data Tables
(PDF, 4MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
4.8.2 Surface Access Highways Plans - Engineering Section Drawings - For Approval
(PDF, 31MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
4.9.2 Traffic Regulation Plans - Classifications of Roads - For Approval
(PDF, 20MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
7.1 Planning Statement Appendix C - Planning Policy Compliance Table
(PDF, 1MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
7.1 Planning Statement
(PDF, 3MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
7.3 Design and Access Statement - Volume 2
(PDF, 41MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 2.2.1 National Planning Policy Context
(PDF, 725KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 6.2.1 Scoping Report - Part 2
(PDF, 50MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
4.6 Rights of Way and Access Plans - For Approval
(PDF, 14MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
4.8.3 Surface Access Highways Plans - Structure Section Drawings - For Approval
(PDF, 21MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.1 Environmental Statement - Chapter 11 Water Environment
(PDF, 1MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.3.3 Summary of Stakeholder PEIR - Ecology
(PDF, 586KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
7.2 Needs Case
(PDF, 2MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
7.4 Transport Assessment Annex B - Strategic Transport Modelling Report
(PDF, 35MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
7.2 Needs Case Appendix 1 - National Economic Impact Assessment
(PDF, 1MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 13.2.1 Summary of Local Planning Policy - Air Quality
(PDF, 575KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 14.9.2 Air Noise Modelling
(PDF, 1MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
7.1 Planning Statement Appendix D - Sustainability Statement
(PDF, 698KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
7.3 Design and Access Statement - Volume 5
(PDF, 49MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 3.5.1 Options Appraisal Tables
(PDF, 1MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 9.3.1 Summary of Stakeholder Scoping Responses - Ecology and Nature Conservation
(PDF, 555KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 19.6.1 Published Agricultural Land Classification Data
(PDF, 18MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 5.2.1 Surface Access General Arrangement Plans
(PDF, 15MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
7.3 Design and Access Statement - Volume 4
(PDF, 41MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.3 Environmental Statement - Appendix 5.3.2 Code of Construction Practice Annex 3 - Outline Construction Traffic Management Plan
(PDF, 2MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
7.1 Planning Statement Appendix A - Gatwick Airport Planning History
(PDF, 299KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
7.2 Needs Case Appendix 2 - The Economic Impact of Gatwick Airport - A Report by Oxford Economics
(PDF, 1MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
7.3 Design and Access Statement - Volume 1
(PDF, 33MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
7.6 Statement of Statutory Nuisance
(PDF, 282KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
5.2 Environmental Statement - Existing Site and Operation Figures
(PDF, 2MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
1.1 Cover Letter
(PDF, 653KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
Regulation 32 - Transboundary Screening
(PDF, 129KB)
Acknowledgement of S46 Notification dated 14 June 2022
(PDF, 116KB)
S46 Notification dated 14 June 2022
(PDF, 75KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
Acknowledgement of S46 Notification
(PDF, 159KB)
S46 Notification
(PDF, 32KB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited
Late scoping consultation response
(PDF, 1MB)
From Waverley Borough Council
Late scoping consultation response
(PDF, 194KB)
From ESP Utilities Group Ltd
Adopted by the Secretary of State on 11 October 2019
(PDF, 18MB)
From Scoping Opinion
Late scoping consultation response
(PDF, 782KB)
From London Borough of Hounslow
Late scoping consultation response
(PDF, 297KB)
From Bracknell Forest Council
Scoping Report submitted to the Secretary of State on 2 September 2019 (Volume 1 of 3 - Main Text)
(PDF, 3MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited (GAL)
Scoping Report submitted to the Secretary of State on 2 September 2019 (Volume 2 of 3 - Figures)
(PDF, 50MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited (GAL)
Scoping Report submitted to the Secretary of State on 2 September 2019 (Volume 3 of 3 - Appendices)
(PDF, 8MB)
From Gatwick Airport Limited (GAL)