Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Evelyn Green

Date submitted
5 September 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We have lived under the blight of a 2nd runway since 2009 when we were told that our property would be incorporated into the proposed scheme, effectively being compulsorily purchased. However, after many years this scheme was dropped when it was decided Heathrow would benefit more from a 3rd runway. We have lived in this house for 50 years, bought in the knowledge of its proximity to the airport. The noise rarely bothered us. However, the flight paths have been gradually moved to our detriment. The flight path for the northern runway (which is quite frequently used already) will & already does affect us significantly more. There will be no compulsory purchase option & no compensation. This is a cheaper option for a 2nd runway by the back door. The northern runway already seems to be in use for more than just emergencies. Living right next to the flight path & seeing every incoming & outgoing movement, we can tell this by the northern flight path being MUCH closer to our house. Several visitors & relatives have also remarked on this. The Northern Runway project is purely a 2nd runway by the back door, also avoiding costs & responsibilities to residents. We have already been advised that our property would be affected but, unlike the previous application for a 2nd runway where our property would have been incorporated into the Gatwick perimeter & purchased, we understand there will be no compensation. This leads to years more blight which we suffered for many years until the previous application was dropped. It will make selling our house virtually impossible for however many years it would take for this project to be completed. As we have lived in our house for more than 50 yrs, we are naturally used to the aircraft noise & understood that living near an airport would bring issues so its not the case of being a blinkered NIMBY. However, more importantly, we are all being told that we must cut back on polluting travel to help save the environment, yet here we are talking about increasing it exponentially.