Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Kenneth Noble

Date submitted
6 September 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live under the flight path approaching Gatwick Airport (when the wind is from the West) and the planes are fairly low overhead - we can see them putting their wheels down. My main concerns are: a) Increasing use of fossil fuels b) Noise pollution We are fortunate in having double-glazing but we can still hear planes quite loudly at night. If we are in the garden, we often have to pause our conversations. Earlier documents from London Gatwick talked about future aircraft making less noise but is there any evidence for this? The prospect of having even more flights coming into Gatwick is not one I relish! More generally, isn't it time that global interests took precedence over the commercial interests of a company (London Gatwick)? If, as I hope, the number of flights reduces considerably over the next 20 years (as it will have to if we are not to bequeath a devastated planet to future generations), the whole project will become a white elephant. Protecting the environment is not a quirky obsession of a few climate-fanatics - it should be a top priority for any responsible planners. If the Government is determined to increase airport capacity in the UK, I would suggest that Gatwick is not the ideal location for expansion. There is far more space in other parts of the country. The South-East of England is over-populated already.