Back to list Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Representation by Linda Ann Bryan

Date submitted
6 September 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We already have a lot of planes flying near to our houses and only stopping for a few hours during the night. The plan to have another runway is unacceptable because of increased noise and pollution. Gatwick was only a small rural airfield and is now much wider and bigger than it should ever have been as it is in a country area, is is unacceptable and should be reconsidered. Gatwick Airport was originally a small local airport and now is likely to be as big as Heathrow if this extension is going to be allowed. There are many houses around the airport whose families will be affected by even further noise to spoil this area of Sussex. Local residents should be able to protest at what is going to be spoiling of many lives due to excessive noise from constant aircraft. Airports should be located in areas that have few private residences and more open spaces, factories and businesses that the noise will not affect too much. We must stop this extension.